avast! Virus Chest

Can I desinfect files that are in virus chest?

Yes, if they’re cleanable.
Generally, only some executables could be cleaned (.exe, .com, etc.).
Right click the file and choose ‘Repair’.

Welcome to forums.

As Tech said only some files are repairable and those must have been included in the VRDB process.

Trojans generally can’t be repaired (either by the VRDB or avast virus cleaner), because the entire content of the file is malware, so it is either move to chest or delete, move to the chest being the best option (first do no harm). When a file is in the chest it can’t do any harm and you can investigate the infected warning.

The VRDB only protects certain files, .exe, dll and other system files, it doesn’t protect data files or all files, it is not a back-up program, so there are going to be many occasions where repair won’t be an option.

Only true virus infection can be repaired, e.g. when a virus infects a file it adds a small part to it, provided that file is one that avast’s VRDB would monitor and you have run the VRDB, then it may be possible to repair the file to its uninfected state.

However, for the most part so called viruses, trojans (adware/spyware/malware, etc.) can’t be repaired because the complete content of the file is malicious.

Txh guys! By the way Im from Serbia and I have much more programs that are cracked, keygen-ed than normal legal programs, and avast home is only legal program on my computer right now... Im so happy

No problem, welcome to the forums.

Is there something in particular that you are concerned with ?
Like a particular file, if so give the malware name, file name and original file location, e.g. (C:\windows\system32\infected-file-name.xxx) ?

That information should be available from the chest or you can check the avast! Log Viewer (right click the avast icon), Warning section, this contains information on all avast detections.

Have one problem… Don`t know what is c:\System Volume Information_restore{8E5837DB-26A1-49A6-A938-B5907A55D6D7}-\RP433
and one with same path but only different numbers in bracket…
sorry 4 bad english

It’s the System Restore folder.
When you have a virus that replicates itself (coming and coming again), you should disable System Restore on Windows ME or Windows XP. System Restore cannot be disabled on Windows 9x and it’s not available in Windows 2k. After boot you can enable System Restore again.