Avast! virus Data base Problem

My avast! say it is tottaly up to date V-160318-2 but avast! virus history say it is 160319-0.That is 19 March update.Why i don’t get that update?Is it a server problem or what? And streaming update getting really slow also.

My Win 7 laptops haven’t yet updated to the 160319-0 VPS yet, but the streaming updates are working fine. My Android devices automatically updated to 160319-0 VPS.

my virus database is only V-160318-2 also

You are making a big deal out of nothing.
As long as the streaming updates are working, you’re fully protected.
VPS updates only consolidate what you’ve gotten via streaming updates.
I also currently have 160318-2 and I feel perfectly safe. :slight_smile:


On my W7 machines I had as last update ‘160317-2’. I tried to update manually via updatefunction:
'Host not reachable! So wait and see.

Avast handle this all by itself, if there is a problem a error message will popup, there is no need to check avast GUI multiple times a day

The streaming updates are really slow and stuck at 87 for long time i report it at 03:51:23 PM and it is 05:31:58 PM.I thing avast! streaming updates need some lift-up :wink:

That wasn’t new to me, Pondus.

But who can start all machines together? So I guess, nobody will check it multiple times a day!!!

There are some users that seems to spend there time looking at avast gui, similar posts/answers have been posted several times

:o :-X

The streaming updates are really slow and stuck at 87 for long time i report it at 03:51:23 PM and it is 05:31:58 PM.I thing avast! streaming updates need some lift-up ;)
They're not stuck. It's a rolling 24 hour total, if the frequency of updates remains more or less constant then that number won't change much ... but you're still receiving them.

Looking at the Defs folder will show if streaming updates are coming in. In Windows 7, “C:\Program Files\AVAST Software\Avast\defs” is the location. I’m receiving regular streaming updates. In a perfect world, the VPS should be available and served to all Avast users in a timely fashion. Obviously, the servers aren’t perfect. ::slight_smile:

I have VPS version 160319-1

What many people doesn’t seem to know/have anymore is patience.

My VPS was on -160318-2 and just now I got 160319-1 (11:03 AM NZT). I don’t know why BeSecure is making a big deal out of this. My streaming updates is also working fine