Avast Virus Database has been updated

Just wondering as i can’t find it anywhere how i change the ‘voice accent’ when it says, ‘Avast Virus Database has been updated’?

Since latest program update it is now in a really posh voice. I am guessing this is because it knows I am in the UK, but the accent is really annoying, and we do not speak this way in the UK. Well, most of us don’t lol.

Not a big problem, but is there a way to change this?


You can go to GUI>Settings>Appearance but the only “English” I see there is Pirate Talk.

There is a language pack available on Facebook, although I haven’t tried it.


Thanks, i’ll give that a go, because the current voice is really annoying.


Changed it back to the old one :slight_smile:

Another option, just so you know, is to deconfigure the audio notifications altogether, or even both the audio and pop-up notifications (which also eliminates the “holiday special” ads).

You can get to these settings in the Avast UI in the Settings > Appearance and Settings > Update sections.
