Avast VPN is placing me in the wrong country?

hi ppl :slight_smile:

Long story short, this is my first visit here.
I’m in Sweden IRL and I bought and installed Avast VPN.
When I try to use it Google/Youtube think I’m in the Netherlands?
Am I doing something wrong?



[EDIT:] It’s Google Geo Location.

Chicago USA will sometimes read as if it is in Chile when using Google Gmail complete with Portuguese or Spanish. Seems it has to do with Google trying to find/dicover your true location. What city does Sweden locate to? (I’d otherwise have to disconnect my vpn here log off from the forum to find out)

Are you trying to stream data?

This is a totally random process if you ask me!
Some days I get relocated to any place around northern Europe and some days I can keep this to someplace North of Stockholm.
I still don’t have a clue about Dutch and my patience with watching their ads all the time is shrinking fast!

Am I wrong in supposing I can have an IP address in Sweden making all crap directed at me at least being in Swedish?