Avast vs ESET

Ok, so it’s that time of year and I am receiving an alert to say I have 27 days left before my Avast IS expires.

Now, before we go any further I WILL be renewing Avast IS because I have been using it for a few years now and I am very happy with using Avast IS alongside MBAM Pro.

It’s just someone sent me a link to ESET today and I want would like to hear people’s honest UNBIASED opinions on Avast vs ESET. I know it’s kinda laughable saying I want an unbiased opinion on the two seeing as how I am posting this on an Avast forum, but still I am interested to hear what people have to say :slight_smile:

How are you going to get unbiased opinions in the avast forum, mainly because most of those here aren’t using E S E T.

try wilders security forum. :wink:

Some antivius insights

As many of us have said all along… AV products are not perfect !
