how many resources of system demand avast respect to other antivirus (free and payment) ?

can someone post a comparation table?

hallo, thanks.

Are you talking about memory cosumption and such things?



Avast have more virusses in the Database then AVG and AVG has fewer systemresources.Antivir have 80.000virusses in the database and has fewer systemresources then Avast but Avast has Skins and modules with IMprotection,P2Pshield

I think we should leave the “number of virus definitions” out of this discussion. As has been brought up here many times before, there’s no agreed-on standard for how a-v companies count these, so comparisons between products on this basis are meaningless.

some guys are using AntiVir or AVG 'cause it uses less resources/memory. If alwil managed to cut down resources/memory consumption of avast, that could be so great ::slight_smile: :wink:

I’m total agree with you…

I wish someone would point out exactly were the resouce problem is, imagined or real.

I previously had AVG installed and avast is no worse than that. The fact that it does more than AVG P2P, IM, etc. could make it appear that way.

But you must compare like with like when you are talking resources. So a comparison table could be meaningless unless you know what protection srevices they are providing.

I only use the Standard Sheild and Mail Protection providers and avast is every bit as quick as AVG and a dam site more effective.

From other threads in these forums it is pointed out that the Awil team are constantly striving to lighten the resource load yet retain the same levels of protection.

In life you have to make choices and compromises. Some of these are, the levels of support and speed of action in updating the product in response to customer feedback. From what I have see to date they are second to none.

If you are having resources problems check and see the junk you are loading at startup (CodeStuff Starter) and why not invest in a little extra RAM.

yea, if you want AVG or less system resources then just use the features that AVG has and Avast! is fine.

I have tested several antiviruses and the differences in system resources in inconcequential between the different antiviruses. If you are REALLY REALLY straped for resources I could see how this could be an issue, but with most computers having somewhere between 128mb and 512mb (i have 768mb) the extra memory usage and process cycels arent that much of a factor. I would rather use my extra recources to have all the realtime scanning features than remove funcionality and cater to the few people with a pentium 1 and 32mb of ram.

so…less providers it uses, except resources of the PC come used?

thanks, hallo.

In theory, yes…
Maybe it’s not a linear relationship but if you disable some features (providers) or use a lower sensitivity you will you less resources. On other hand, you will lose protection.

There is no other way, you must find the optimal point between protection and resources 8)