avast wallapaper

hi guys, can i request nice avast wallpaper in this forum?? ;D

thank you…

Like those found here?

http://forum.avast.com/index.php?topic=15119.0 :wink:

You’ll also find some specific for avast! made by SZC at:
http://mysharedfiles.no-ip.org/TOP_WinXP_Wallpaper along with many others not avast! related. :slight_smile:

Thanks, Bob. I love it!

Thank Sasha, he’s the one who made it. I’m just hosting it. :slight_smile:

Thank you Sasha, wherever you are. :slight_smile:

He was once a very active member on this forum and a great friend to many of us “old timers”.
You can find out more about what he does at:

Yeah… We miss him.

When I try to follow that link, I am redirected to and my WOT marks it as “dangerous”.

WOT is user opinion based and quite un-reliable!

I trust bob3160

Hi George,
I tried to explain the problem I’m having with the incorrect rating by WOT in the following post:
If your interested, please take a look and than make up your own mind. :slight_smile:

WOT is just a lose of time for me… Boring, based on users prejudices…

+ 1 … WOT is useless.

And what do you use instead of it?

I use Finjan SecureBrowsing:


After reading the above posts I uninstalled WOT and installed finjan. Do I need to set any special options or is it okay as is. How does it warn you of an unsafe page. Thanks for any info.
