When I restart or shut down my desk top computer Avast pops up a message to “disconnect removable media storage” and stops the shut down process. It is referring to my “Magic Jack” usb plug in. I then remove the Magic Jack redo the shut down process which then proceeds normally. It doesn’t do that for any other of my usb storage devices. How can I have Avast ignore the Magic Jack and allow Windows to shut down or restart normally?
Uncheck the proper option (check media on exit) into avast settings.
I’m with avast 5 beta. I don’t remember where it is on avast 4.
Right-click your avast icon in the system tray, then click Program Settings.
Uncheck the box that says: “Check other removable media when logging off”
Welcome to the forum.
If that resolves the problem, then someone has been tweaking the avast settings as this is off by default I believe.
Is this setting there in V5, does it work better?
It’s not so good in vista, because vista gets in the way, telling that avast is still running.
It works better in XP really…
I think it’s dropped in v5. If not, where is it? ???
Don’t know, not using the beta…I liked that setting…
Thanks, Tech, for the advice. That solved my problem.
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