After every Avast update, it wants me to restart the computer. Why does this happen? I have had installed an other adware detector, but it is now unsinstalled. Is there a way to change it? A complete installation of avast ??
Operating system restart needed by avast message could be solved, in some systems, by deleting the file \setup\reboot.txt
If deleting reboot.txt doesn’t stop the requests for reboot check this:
Check this registry entry (right after computer restart):
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager, if it contains “PendingFileRenameOperations”.
Check its contents and if there’s only “reboot.txt” from avast4\setup folder, delete PendingFileRenameOperations, don’t delete any other key.
Back-up (export) the registry key before you edit/delete, just in case.
Which is your avast version? Did you upgrade it lately?
If the above doesn’t resolve the problem, it could be a previous tweaking exercise that has an impact on avast.
- Also see 8,3 Tweak issue - Check out this thread and see if some of the possible solutions can help you too.