red box keeps popping up at the bottom right hand corner stating I need to renew, that the free version of Avast has expired and if I click on Renew Now, it asks for a password.
When I tried to uninstall Avast it stated that I needed a password to do that. None worked. Avast online support gave me a password but it didn’t work either. When I called they said that it’s a very serious problem, that I’m going to lose my computer and that Avast doesn’t asks for passwords… not sure why they emailed one to me then.
So it won’t allow me to end it, not the process, nor remove it. Avast support said that a hacker probably got in and it’s an executable program and ONLY Avast could fix it for the low, low price of $119.
Go to the control panel, add/remove programs, right click on avast, it will show uninstall and change, click on change and you’ll see where it says repair, click on that reboot your computer and that might work. It has for me and it won’t harm your computer.
@ oatesfan
Ignore that tosh from the telephone support (they aren’t avast but 3rd party support and try to sell support packages) and don’t pay.
I suspect that the repair won’t resolve this (if it is looking for a password) and you will have to do a clean reinstall using the avast uninstall utility. This assumes you are using the free version of avast.
Download the avast! Uninstall Utility, aswClear.exe find it here and save it to your HDD (it has uninstall tools for all versions).
Now uninstall avast! - using add remove programs, if you can’t do that(as appears to be the case) start from the next step, reboot.- 2. run the avast! Uninstall Utility, it will request it be run from safe mode (and will handle the boot into safe mode), first for 7.x if previously installed and then for 8.0, once complete reboot into normal mode.- 3. install the latest version, reboot.