Avast wants to sandbox Pokesav.

Pokesav is only on that because it can alter protected files, but the only files that can be affected are the files for POKEMON, nothing harmful there. I’d just like for this to be fixed somehow, next update or something.


I can explain why it isn’t malicious if you want to argue why a simple Pokemon editor is that way, but I don’t think that there is a need for that.

Avast isn’t saying it is malicious, otherwise the file system shield (FSS) would have alerted.

The FSS is the shield that would hand it off to the autosandbox if during emulation (what the file does) or it didn’t meet some other criteria, digitally signer or the location it is being run from, etc.

If you are happy (and accept the risk) you can select the Run Normally, and check the Remember my decision for this program (or words to that effect). Then it shouldn’t bother you again for that program.

EDIT: added image

I wanna know one more thing:

Can you run this file normally for me? I’m almost positive that is it safe, but you can never be too sure. Sorry if I came off obnoxious, just I had to rewrite the entire post because I couldn’t identify the verification code.

The link to the download is found here:


I downloaded the second link, “Temptwo.” I’d appreciate it if you could try this for me. Thanks.

I’m an avast user, not an avast employee. I don’t have a virtual environment that I can run this in so I will have to pass on that.

I don’t Have PokeMon, so I rather doubt that Pokesav (Pokemon editor is) would work/run in isolation.

VirusTotal (0/43)

I use PokeSav too, but only for editing the GBA Games. ;D

send us the file to analyze, please. For faster resolution you can use address: hrdy… (… means @avast.com).


I’m posting from another computer, but I’ll add in the file asap.

Thanks Milos.


Back at home, here is the file:


Also sending an email. Thanks.