Avast Web Shield and gmail.com


I am using Avast 4.7 Pro. I came accross a problem which is really pissing me off. When Avast Web Shield is ON, I simply cannot open www.gmail.com but when I turn it OFF I dont face any problem browsing www.gmail.com. I there anybody who can help me in this regard??? I dont want my Web Shield to be turned OFF and also want to use gmail.com.
Thanx alot and regards…

avast doesn’t block but scans content and alerts to any infection. So if there is any blocking going on it is usually a conflict between two or more applications and most commonly the firewall.

What is your firewall ?
What error messages are being displayed ?

As you can see from my image, that isn’t a problem for me, I clicked your link and was redirected to the https secure logon page.

When you go from an http (non-secure) page to an https (secure) page some firewalls with have privacy features that can have this apparent blocking effect as it clashes with the web shield proxy.

Have you tried a direct bookmark connection to the https logon page ?

There are many forum members that also use gmail and if this were a common problem we would certainly see more on the forums.

Which is your browser?
This could be related to scripts and cookies?
Did you change your browser default settings?