Whenever the avast! Web Shield gets some “traces” of supicious code, even on third party scanning an infected URL or inside a website proxy like HideMy#ss
it starts to alert right-on!. This time for JS:Redirector-ZK[Trj] on a urlquery dot net/report |(gzip)
The url flagged can be found here scanned via VT: https://www.virustotal.com/nl/url/f9a8f6090c6229483ce8c72d414d672ca2ecf69cb4654452597c0d3b1af063f1/analysis/
Also the detailed Quttera report was blocked by avast! Webshield: htxp://quttera.com/detailed_report/wXw.alexbandpl.yoyo.pl
WOT flags it as suspicious: http://scanurl.net/?u=wXw.alexbandpl.yoyo.pl&uesb=Check+This+URL#results
Here we have another one: http://support.clean-mx.de/clean-mx/viruses?id=12019341
flagged by avast! exclusively: https://www.virustotal.com/nl/file/b8c1d11c034e7b95ca1300fc62c48d1c3c17da342611581d9c5e82f72590b5b6/analysis/
as JS:Includer-PI [Trj] now probably cleansed: http://urlquery.net/report.php?id=3254252
but not here: htxp://urlquery.net/report.php?id=3254140 and also blocked by avast! Webshield as JS:Redirectot-ZK[Trj]