Avast Web Shield - false messages about harmful website and malware

My name is Deyan Valentinov Dimitrov

I’am founder and CIO of IT Audit Ltd.

city:Sofia 1618 Buckston street. Vihren bl.160 entr.G ap.77
Phone: (+359) 8833-57589
email: audit.dimitrov@gmail.com

Your product Avast Web Shield gives the message:

Avast Web Shield has blocked a harmful webpage or file.
Object: http://websiteget.com/
Infection: URL:Mal

to our customers and visitors.
This is destroying our reputation and client base.

I guarantee you that website http://websiteget.com/ does not have and never had any malware from the time I registered it till present day.

The way I see it, you are restricting access to our customers and visitors based on outdated logos of IP adreses and website names. You are scaring everybody away by giving them false messages about harmful website and malware which is not true. You do not have any proof for your accusations to show for!

I tried to reason with you several times, most of which you even have not bother to respond.
And please do not give as links to other websites because you are the only company that is blocking our business.

I do not have any chois left but to start the process of legal proceeding for scaring оut our customers. You have one more week to remove the false messages and stop this before I start the legal proceeding.

URL:Mal mean URL or IP is blacklisted for whatever reason, there can be many

Sucuri http://sitecheck.sucuri.net/results/websiteget.com/


your IP ( is on 5 blacklists here http://whatismyipaddress.com/blacklist-check

seems to be spam related