Avast WebShield does NOT support "Boat Browser for Tablet"


It is written that Avast web shield supports curtain browsers for ex. Boat Browser and Boat Browser Mini. But there is also one more product Boat Browser for Tablet https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.boatbrowser.tablet&hl=de. Is this supported by AV web shield? Hope yes, because it is the one for Tablet versions


You have given the answer yourself already.
Yes the boat browser is supported.

But “BoatBrowser” and “BoatBrowser for Tablet” are two different apps, and only Boat Browser ist listed to be supported, not BoatBrowser for Tablet.
How can i proove that webshield is protecting the BoatBrowser for Tablet?


Eddy, this link is even not up to date because only BoatBrowser Mini is listed, nor BoatBrowser. Or the information in the AMS App is not up to date, because there are both listed.
But the app “BoatBrowser for Tablet” is listed nowhere. So is this app not supported by the AV web shield?
I hope you understand that these are 3 different apps! And only two of them are listed to be supported…

BoatBrowser: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.boatbrowser.free&hl=en
BoatBrowser Mini: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.boatgo.browser&hl=en
BoatBrowser for Tablet: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.boatbrowser.tablet&hl=en

BoatBrowser for Tablet
That is a misnomer. If it was correct, it wouldn't matter what OS I have on a tablet and the application will run and that is not true. It simply is not possible to create 1 application that will run on all OS's.

As far as I know, avast only mention supported things (in this case browsers) that they have tested themselfs.

If the browser is supported can easily be tested with the eicar test file.

First test i made was to observe the web shield while browsing with BoatBrowser for Tablet. And for months and years used AMS have only 70 URLs scanned, what is not possible. And then just to make a contra-test I started the standard stock Android browser, opened 3 web pages and checked the web shield … the amonth of scanned URL links was 73.
So, web shield works and scans properly, but not while using BoatBrowser for Tablet. What means that BoatBrowser for Tablet app is NOT supported by AMS.

Where i can find eicar test file to test? And how should AMS behave, if the web shield works correct?

There is no such thing as “BoatBrowser for tablet” as I explained in my previous post.

Sorry for my poor english, i dont understand what you exactly say inyour previous post, could you explain easier. Thanks

Please tell me how should AMS behave if I make the test with eicar and where to take it. Thanks

i dont understand what you exactly say inyour previous post, could you explain easier
It is not the device that matters, but the OS that is used.
Please tell me how should AMS behave if I make the test with eicar and where to take it

I know what eicar test is, my question is HOW SHOULD/MUST AVAST BEHAVE WHEN I MAKE THE TEST ?

Read the eicar website.
It is explained there as well as on thousands of other websites.

Will test when i am at home
Ralated to eicar i think i understand something wrong. How does web shield work? I thought it protects me against scripts?

And when i visit eicar page shall Avast let me download the test file? My opinion is that Web shield should not let me download, am i right?


“Boat Browser for Tablet” is not support at the moment, sorry.

If I have time I’ll check if it would be possible to add it.


Hey Filip,

Thank you for the accurate answer, instead of just guessing or supposing.
Yes, i hope boat browser for tablet can be implement to be supported in AMS. Its difference to the other Boat browsers BoatBrowser and Mini is not big, so i think it should not be a big deal to add it. Still, it will be a kind of product improvement for AMS, because BoatBrowser for Tablet is the browser variant explicitly for tablets.

Please give is a feedback about this when you have checked it.


I can confirm that support for “Boat Browser for Tablet” will come in the future :slight_smile:


Hi Filip

That is great news!
What do you think in which future is this planned?


certainly not an alternative one :smiley: My guess would be in a few weeks.


What do you mean with “not an alternative one”?

Well, instead of “when is this planned” you asked “in which future is this planned”, those have different meanings in English so it was basically just a joke :slight_smile:
