Avast Website Not Accessible

Just get a blank screen. Right before that it was a 404 Error - Server Not Found without the other stuff you usually get with the message.


I tried to get to http://www.avast.com/ without the s at the end of http but Firefox keeps taking me to the https website and the blank screen.

Avast Support Center website is good to go


No problems in accessing any other website.

http is working in Chrome. Https is not.

I am able to reach the http address in IE.

It appears that one of my addons in Firefox might be causing a redirect.

HTTPS-Everywhere was defaulting the Avast website to HTTPS. I unchecked Avast from the list of forced HTTPS sites and I can not get to http://avast.com

Thanks for your comment.

All I did was type “avast.com” and went to avast.com
I never type all that “http\”. I just type the website. :slight_smile: