i have IE9 firefox 4 and google chorme and the wep rep is all grey on the links how can i fix it and what is the best set up for avast
If it is grey on all links, that would tend to be a problem with the backend servers. But, I’m not experiencing any problems with firefox 4.0.1.
thanks for the help so it should be back very soon the avast wep rep
It should be, but right now it is also down for me, grey icons in search results.
Hi DavidR,
Again working fine for me,
Working here :
Well I don’t know what is going on, but the search results displays are all screwy. I display 50 hits per google page and of that only two had green icon bars the rest were all grey and that clearly can’t be right.
Given that I searched on avast as in my last screen shot, not even avast.com comes up green. But one instance of forum.avast.com did come up green and one for theregister.co.uk. Other than these two displays in the first 4 pages, 200 hits, nada, all grey.
Even the old fudge of refreshing the search doesn’t work as it used to resolve the grey icons.