avast, why is scheduled scan Skipped?

I noticed in a screenshot he has 3 days left on a trial version.

& i said its not my screenshot, that the TXT below is not same as in my avast, random picture from web, random picture as a example :slight_smile:

If you expect answers and help from us about your problems and concerns, than you can at least give us update information from your computer.
Without that, this is more of a phishing trip than a request for help. :frowning:

it is no problem cause i explained the difference, cause the only important part was above the TXT about trial, the part where the connect button in the picture is, so i don’t need picture from my pc from my avast cause only difference was that i don’t have that TXT about trial & i explained it, not my fault if people don’t read my full post or don’t pay attention to details about what i write (i wrote stuff above the picture just to avoid misunderstandings like this one), its a hassle to upload pictures, so if i can find 99% identical picture to my avast online i use it. that’s why i recommend that Avast team add a new option for picture upload so user’s can upload pictures here directly from PC with out that [ img ][ /img ] stuff

also i already got my answer before he mentioned that trial, it was nice of him, but it wasn’t my screen shot from where he so that TXT about Trial, ofc i don’t know was he talking about screenshot i posted

Always post a screenshot from “your” computer. A random screenshot proves absolutely nothing.
A random screenshot is not pertinent to your issue on your computer.
Please provide screenshots from your machine. Until you do we are only guessing.

Explaining is not the same as showing. Give us some proof!

My screenshot


Random Picture from internet


do u see much difference between the 2?

i posted random picture cause only part that was important was this


& i explained this, i mean i said that this part is important

so why do i need to make my own screenshot when i get 99% same picture from internet? i would not mind doing so if i could upload picture here from my PC like in Microsoft forum, cause there is no option for that i sometimes use random picture from internet, if i find almost matching picture… from internet, this time it was just that 1 picture that was random…

i would not mind doing so if i could upload picture here from my PC


Because it “isn’t” exactly the same. And that still isn’t a screenshot from you machine.
How do I know? Let’s see if you can figure it out.

If you want help please provide “accurate” information including “real” screenshots.

THX fo the TIP, i never noticed it before, well its more like it seemed to be just TXT, usually things like that are above

WTF this means? it is impossible to use chrome in Win 8.1, firefox works better
is it some way to make people use avast sub stuff? i mean scare people to buy stuff, like after getting chrome u get new offer, something sub to add to chrome
