avast! will celebrate 100,000,000 users

avast! set to have 100,000,000 users…and I imagine this number will only go up… :slight_smile:


Sometime between now and the end of December, avast! will record its 100,000,000th user

The lucky person will win an expenses-paid trip to Prague, Czech Republic, the home of avast!

Great to hear of this value ;D


p.s. Also on the avast! news thingy…

Avast! Saved my tail once when I ended up with a rootkit, jesus that thing was a pain, I bootscanned dozens of times, and scanned dozens of times to no avail… then randomly while I was on the PC while it was background searching it found it! It’s the only Anti-V I don’t despise, odd considering it’s always running and I’m a resource whore.

Other people must have had similar success stories!