The past few days my Avast hasnt been updating on its own. Ive noticed that it checks for updates, however its not applying them.
However when I go in and do a manual update I have no problem updating.
I am still testing and trying to figure out the issue on my own, but any assistance would be great. I will mention that this last week I did purchase and activate Malwarebytes, so that possibly can be blocking it. However I found a thread on the avast forums that had me set exclusions both ways.
MBAM shouldn’t be an issue with avast updates or it would be blocking both auto and manual updates.
Try setting the Proxy Settings to Direct connection (no proxy) in avastUI, Settings, Updates. This assumes that you actually don’t use a proxy to connect to the internet.
The proxy settings didnt work. However when I got in last night I went ahead and did a repair install. And this morning it seemed to update itself fine. Seems to be up and running normally now.
Auto-updates appear to be more erractic in their timing lately.
I am usually up at my computers betweeen 13:00 and 13:30 GMT
Sometimes avast! will have downloaded and installed the current day’s first update and sometimes the last update is from the day before. When it is from the day before most of the time I can manually update it to the current’s daya first update at between 13:00 and 13:30 GMT.
In the past by between 13:00 and 13:30 GMT the current day’s first update was downloaded and installed a lot more often than it now appears to be.
How can you determine erratic when there is no fixed schedule.
I don’t bother chasing when an auto update is done, I get the notification or an error if there was a problem. I leave it to avast and don’t get concerned if there hasn’t been one for many hours. Whilst in most cases I usually get one when I first boot usually around 11 - 12 UK local time, but I don’t get concerned if I don’t.
Don’t lose sight of the fact that there are also streaming updates throughout the day (22 so far today).