Hi,I’m always a little hesitant to try anything new when it comes to computers,especially when a newer version of a program I already have comes out,in this case the new version of avast. I read in many cases that after installing people have problems with their computers that I, as a novice would probably have a hard time fixing on my own. I have windows 7,has there been,to anyones knowledge here,any big problems with avast 6 and windows 7? Just to let you know,in the past I’ve never had any problems updating to the newer versions (just a little nerveous doing it),and I didn’t even un-install the older version it was replacing and everything worked fine. I’ve read in a few threads that you should un-install the old version,but like I said in my case that wasn’t necessary,thanks all from an old guy who computers still scare.
I have experienced no problems so far everything is working great. ;D
All good for me too on the prerelease which you can download here http://files.avast.com/files/beta/6.0.1021/setup_av_free.exe and it has less issue’s than the stable 6.0.1000
No problems here and I’ve probably upgraded at least 100 systems.
Many of them where Windows 7 including 5 of my own without any incidents.
I’m also using the version suggested by craigb.
Working fine on my win7 netbook and that is with the regular avast! 6.0.1000 release.
I have Free and Pro running on two different W7x64SP1 computers.
Thanks all,I will d/l right now and reprot back.
Well that didn’t take long and everything seems to be running just great,once again thanks everyone for your input.
An old guy who just wasn’t brought up with computers.
Good to hear that your up and running, now you get to update your sig
Even us old dogs learn new tricks. ;D
Glad you had no problems even though most of us already kew there wouldn’t be any.