avast windows 8 black screen with mouse pointer after reboot

i installed avast windows 8 compatable in win 8 pro then it just comes up with black screen and mouse pointer

luckily I could get to task mgr and do a system restore, cntrl alt del new task rstrui.exe

after 2 times reinstalling win 8 I found how to do this online

and tried avast 5 more times and still got the same thing ended up uninstalling it

if anyone finds a fix email me please and post here for others

thank you

Hi mydad,

I don’t know if this will help or not, but I had the same thing on Windows 7 after a I restored back to factory specs and then installed Avast! free ( I uninstalled the security program trial that came with the PC with it’s removal tool). I was worried what to do, but left the PC alone and after 5 to 10 minutes it started on it’s own and has been fine ever since.


it comes with windows defender, some have tried stopping it and reinstall avast and it didn’t help