avast won´t run


Just installed AvastFree on my laptop (using Vista). After installing it, when I try to open it gives an error message (in portuguese) that I translate as:

" It was not possible to start the application because the configuration side-by-side is incorrect. See the application event regist for further details."

After this it only allows me to click ok. The only way I can acess avast is when I try to uninstall it. The windows security center says avast is running.

I allready tried to uninstall/install it again. I used cleaning programs sugested on this forum to clean possible conflicts with the previous use of microsoft security essentials and norton without success.

I used cleaning programs sugested on this forum to clean possible conflicts with the previous use of microsoft security essentials and norton without success.
what do you mean?

I mean that after using these programs, Avast still does´t run and the error continues to happen.

did you reboot after running Norton and MSE removal tools ?

i suggest go back to start…

run removal tool for avast …run from safe mode and reboot… http://www.avast.com/en-no/uninstall-utility

then run Norton and MSE tools…and reboot http://singularlabs.com/uninstallers/security-software/

install avast, reboot

did it work ?

Didn´t work…same error happens

You are missing an element required by avast:
Side-By-Side Configuration is Incorrect Error - You need to install MS Visual C++ 2008 Redistributable.

You need 2008 SP1 - this is the one:
Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 SP1 Redistributable Package ATL Security Update

 Thanks  David R . I had to Scan back 15 Pages to find it.  C++ 2008 fixed My problem.

You’re welcome.