Avast won't let me "stop" USB drive

Got fed up with AVG on my WinXP box so completely removed it and loaded free Avast v5 instead.
Although AVG was slow, it did not do funny things.
Now with Avast, whenever I plug in my USB memory stick and then try to Safely remove hardware it saya I cannot stop the device now because it is being used. This never happened before I loaded Avast. Is there a bug in V5 (I use V4 on my Windows 7 netbook and have not seen the problem there)


Hi Jay Smithson, welcome to the forum :slight_smile:

I myself have had similar issues with my memory stick not wanting to be removed (both before and after avast! 5) and have not really been able to locate what it is, and it is quite random, just sometimes it wont remove.

You could try stop the on-access protection in avast! before trying to remove the drive to see if it is avast!

Another idea that had been suggested to me, is to use ProcessExplorer to see what is holding on to the drive (so to speak) → Although this has occasionally worked for me, normally nothing shows up…

You would run process explorer and the press Ctrl + F and enter the drive letter (e.g. J:) and see if anything is found…


Thanks Scott
I did turn off the file system protection and it was OK - thats why I was convinced it was Avast that was holding on to the drive. It does seem to change depending on the size of the drive/number of files on it - the larger the worse. It is as if Avast is sitting there scanning the drive but there is no flashing led on the drive but I am no expert - I just don’t like it when things don’t work properly!


I have an external hard drive, that I know (under certain circumstances) will produce the cannot remove error and fail to remove…and guess what, disable File System Shield, and it ejects immediately…

Seems it may be avast! after all…

EDIT: In trying again, it seems to be on/off for me now…now I can’t remove the drive whether the FSS is on or off…I don’t know… ::slight_smile:
Seems I had the drive open in explorer…I can definitely reproduce…

Avast is scanning your USB stick that’s why it says “You cannot stop the device now because it is being used” , wait some time, and when avast will finish to scan it you’ll unplug it without problems .

Scanning what?

In my case there are no active scans, nothing accessig the drive, nothing running from the drive…it should be released…

I have also waited hours before now with the same result…

If you have Unlocker installed, try right clicking on the drive and see what has hooks on to the drive.

See, image1 example of my E (data) partition on my HDD, lots of hooks and image2 of my 8GB USB flash stick, zero hooks.

I have been through this before as well…just as process explorer shows no handles/hooks, unlocked showed nothing…although that was a little while ago, I will try it again when I am at the pc next…

i upgraded from avast free 5.0.677 to 5.1.889 and know i receive the “can’t stop the usb drive” message. everything worked fine until the upgrade. this happens on XP SP3 and W7 32b. anyone got the sollution?

I’m having this problem since I formatted my system to Windows 7 Ultimate. I’m considering this possibility of disabling File System Shield temporarily while unplugging my USB drive, but I still have one question.
My drive is configured for “Quick removal”, which theoretically means that I can unplug it directly from the computer without risk. Is it OK if I just unplug it, even if Avast is supposedly holding it?

In some other topic, there is some report about USB “freezing”. But the last post is about version 6. Hence, not relevant even if you are using the newest beta for avast 7. Please search the correct topic to post (as said, there is already a similar report in the last 24 hours), and provide more information about your system.

I know it won’t help, but my personal experience is that USB ejecting in Windows XP is very defective… While on Windows 7 the drive is more effectively removed, this does not happen on Windows XP. :cry:

Strange that I haven’t had a single problem with USB safe removal in XP Pro, but on win7 starter, I have had many such problems.

@Tech and DavidR,

It doesn’t matter. The OP is clearly reporting that the freeze appears only when avast shields are active. When avast is not active, the system responds.

So this is not a Windows issue, but an avast issue (at least, for this user).

Well if you are going to talk of the OP, then you should be aware that the topic was created on: 06 May 2010, so the reference you make isn’t about the OP but Ansatsuken.

What hasn’t been asked of Ansatsuken is, have you modified the file system shield settings as it shouldn’t be scanning the USB only files that are active/being accessed ?

So if avast is scanning something on the USB, it is because something else is accessing them, what that is is the $64,000 question.

I honestly don’t believe that removing the USB drive without first having used the eject USB is wise, even if it is configured for “Quick removal,” whatever that might be.

If windows is doing delayed writes, then that could be what is accessing the drive then that could be a problem which could result in data loss and a scan being in progress at the time of pulling USB. Now if the configured for “Quick removal” means that windows doesn’t do delayed writes, this ‘theoretically’ shouldn’t be an issue.

Yes, sorry; my intention was indeed to refer to Ansatsuken, and I also already suggested him to start a different new topic.

Forum is also to share experiences, don’t you think?
If you know the exactly answer to solve the OP’s problem… then just post :wink:


Let me use different words to express it.

The specific Windows version, or the OS responsiveness is not a factor. For whichever the OS responsiveness is, the presence / influence of avast is causing the system to response even slower (according to the poster).

So, it may be generally interesting, and sharing experiences is useful too, but it seems it is not a factor for the specific case.