Avast won't start: msvcr71.dll missing on Vista 64

I have a nasty problem that occured when I uninstalled a nvidia system utility.
The utility told me it needed to stop some running applications and I said OK. Avast then popped up and said that a program was attempting to shut it down . I said OK. From that point on avast would not start anymore on reboot or manually.
Avast reports that msvcr71.dll is missing.
I cannot uninstall Avast using the control panel, or update or repair it (same error) so I downloaded your utility to remove ASvast in safe mode.
This went OK. I then attempted to reinstall avast which went OK until it asked me to reboot. It then gave the same error message all over again. Can’t find msvcr71.dll.
I placed copies of this file into c:\windows\system,c:]windows\system32.dll,c:]windows\syswow64 with no change.
I rebooted into safe more and placed this into the avast directory. Still no change.
I cannot get avast to work. (I’ve used this for a long time)
System Vista Ultimate 64bit.
Can you please help?

Will any of these links help?

Thanks for responding!
Yes, I have checked out all of these links and tried all of this, and none work.
Do you know what size and date this file has to be? Do you know where your software looks for the file on Vista64?
Is there another file that might me missing that the software doesn’t report?
I do know that when you install avast you do not put this file in the avast directory.
Do I need to reinstall the MS C++ redistributables?
Is there a log that can giver me more details?

Their software… I’m an user like you…

Please, post the last 200-250 lines of avast log: C:\Program Files\Alwil Software\Avast4\DATA\log\Setup.log

I’m not able to answer the other questions… Sorry.

Thanks. I will look at the log tonight when I get home.

Ok. We’ll be here to help :wink:

Was there any resolution to this? I have the exact same problem: Windows Vista 64-bit, Avast barfs on startup complaining about missing msvcr71.dll. I know that I perhaps missed a window to re-register the product. I cannot uninstall/reinstall due to this problem. here is an excerpt from the log:

11.04.2009 14:37:32.000 1239478652 general Started: 11.04.2009, 14:37:32
11.04.2009 14:37:32.000 1239478652 general Running setup_av_pro-537 (1335)
11.04.2009 14:37:32.000 1239478652 system Operating system: Windows Vista ver 6.0, build 6001, sp 1.0 [Service Pack 1] AMD64
11.04.2009 14:37:32.000 1239478652 system Memory: 57% load. Phys:252144/596708K free, Page:906232/1606952K free, Virt:2020620/2097024K free
11.04.2009 14:37:32.000 1239478652 system Computer WinName: WIN-LWJ4I6W6K0V
11.04.2009 14:37:32.000 1239478652 system Windows Net User: WIN-LWJ4I6W6K0V\CCX Support
11.04.2009 14:37:32.000 1239478652 general Cmdline: /uninstwiz
11.04.2009 14:37:32.000 1239478652 general Old version: 537 (1335)
11.04.2009 14:37:32.000 1239478652 registry Deleted registry: Software\Alwil Software\Avast\4.0\UpdateReady
11.04.2009 14:37:32.000 1239478652 system Using temp: C:\Users\CCXSUP~1\AppData\Local\Temp_av_proI.tm~a00896 (4705M free)
11.04.2009 14:37:32.000 1239478652 general SGW32P::CheckIfInstalled set m_bAlreadyInstalled to 1
11.04.2009 14:37:32.000 1239478652 general DldSrc set to inet
11.04.2009 14:37:32.000 1239478652 internet SYNCER: Agent=Syncer/4.80 (av_pro-1335;p)
11.04.2009 14:37:32.000 1239478652 system Computer DnsName: WIN-LWJ4I6W6K0V
11.04.2009 14:37:32.000 1239478652 system Computer Ip Addr:
11.04.2009 14:37:32.000 1239478652 system Installed in: C:\Program Files\Alwil Software\Avast4 (4705M free)
11.04.2009 14:37:32.000 1239478652 internet SYNCER: Type: use IE settings
11.04.2009 14:37:32.000 1239478652 internet SYNCER: Auth: another authentication, use WinInet
11.04.2009 14:37:32.000 1239478652 package Part prg_av_pro-537 is installed
11.04.2009 14:37:32.000 1239478652 package Part vps-9041000 is installed
11.04.2009 14:37:32.000 1239478652 package Part news-4f is installed
11.04.2009 14:37:32.000 1239478652 package Part setup_av_pro-537 is installed
11.04.2009 14:37:32.000 1239478652 package Part jrog-f0 is installed
11.04.2009 14:37:32.000 1239478652 general Old version: 537 (1335)
11.04.2009 14:37:37.000 1239478657 file SetExistingFilesBitmap: 1055->153->153
11.04.2009 14:37:37.000 1239478657 general GUID: 9dcb0293-96b7-42c6-bb61-b4c972d9587f
11.04.2009 14:37:39.000 1239478659 general Server definition(s) loaded for ‘main’: 266 (maintenance:0)
11.04.2009 14:37:39.000 1239478659 general SelectCurrent: selected server ‘Download956 AVAST Server’ from ‘main’
11.04.2009 14:37:39.000 1239478659 internet SYNCER: Type: use IE settings
11.04.2009 14:37:39.000 1239478659 internet SYNCER: Auth: another authentication, use WinInet
11.04.2009 14:37:46.000 1239478666 internet Used server:
11.04.2009 14:37:47.000 1239478667 general Server definition(s) loaded for ‘main’: 266 (maintenance:0)
11.04.2009 14:37:47.000 1239478667 general SelectCurrent: selected server ‘Download924 AVAST Server’ from ‘main’
11.04.2009 14:37:47.000 1239478667 internet SYNCER: Type: use IE settings
11.04.2009 14:37:47.000 1239478667 internet SYNCER: Auth: another authentication, use WinInet
11.04.2009 14:37:47.000 1239478667 internet Used server:
11.04.2009 14:37:48.000 1239478668 internet Used server:
11.04.2009 14:37:48.000 1239478668 file GetFileWithRetry: prod-av_pro.vpu downloaded .
11.04.2009 14:37:48.000 1239478668 package LoadProductVpu: C:\Program Files\Alwil Software\Avast4\Setup\prod-av_pro.vpu
11.04.2009 14:37:48.000 1239478668 package LoadPartInfo: jrog = jrog-f8 returned 00000000
11.04.2009 14:37:48.000 1239478668 package LoadPartInfo: news = news-4f returned 00000000
11.04.2009 14:37:48.000 1239478668 package LoadPartInfo: program = prg_av_pro-537 returned 00000000
11.04.2009 14:37:48.000 1239478668 package LoadPartInfo: setup = setup_av_pro-537 returned 00000000
11.04.2009 14:37:48.000 1239478668 package LoadPartInfo: vps = vps-9041100 returned 00000000
11.04.2009 14:37:48.000 1239478668 package LoadProductVpu: C:\Program Files\Alwil Software\Avast4\Setup\prod-av_pro.vpu ended with 00000000
11.04.2009 14:37:53.000 1239478673 general Operation set to INST_OP_UPDATE
11.04.2009 14:37:53.000 1239478673 internet SYNCER: Agent=Syncer/4.80 (av_pro-1335;f)
11.04.2009 14:37:53.000 1239478673 internet Used server:
11.04.2009 14:37:55.000 1239478675 general Server definition(s) loaded for ‘main’: 266 (maintenance:0)
11.04.2009 14:37:55.000 1239478675 general SelectCurrent: selected server ‘Download698 AVAST Server’ from ‘main’
11.04.2009 14:37:55.000 1239478675 internet SYNCER: Type: use IE settings
11.04.2009 14:37:55.000 1239478675 internet SYNCER: Auth: another authentication, use WinInet
11.04.2009 14:37:55.000 1239478675 internet Used server: http://download698.avast.com/iavs4x
11.04.2009 14:37:55.000 1239478675 package LoadProductVpu: C:\Program Files\Alwil Software\Avast4\Setup\prod-av_pro.vpu
11.04.2009 14:37:55.000 1239478675 package LoadPartInfo: jrog = jrog-f8 returned 00000000
11.04.2009 14:37:55.000 1239478675 package LoadPartInfo: news = news-4f returned 00000000
11.04.2009 14:37:55.000 1239478675 package LoadPartInfo: program = prg_av_pro-537 returned 00000000
11.04.2009 14:37:55.000 1239478675 package LoadPartInfo: setup = setup_av_pro-537 returned 00000000
11.04.2009 14:37:55.000 1239478675 package LoadPartInfo: vps = vps-9041100 returned 00000000
11.04.2009 14:37:55.000 1239478675 package LoadProductVpu: C:\Program Files\Alwil Software\Avast4\Setup\prod-av_pro.vpu ended with 00000000
11.04.2009 14:37:56.000 1239478676 internet Used server: http://download698.avast.com/iavs4x
11.04.2009 14:37:56.000 1239478676 file GetFileWithRetry: part-vps-9041100.vpu downloaded and verified
11.04.2009 14:37:56.000 1239478676 package Part vps-9041100 was set to be installed
11.04.2009 14:37:56.000 1239478676 package DeleteObsoletePackages: Removed part-vps-9041000.vpu
11.04.2009 14:37:56.000 1239478676 internet Used server: http://download698.avast.com/iavs4x
11.04.2009 14:37:56.000 1239478676 file GetFileWithRetry: part-jrog-f8.vpu downloaded and verified
11.04.2009 14:37:56.000 1239478676 package Part jrog-f8 was set to be installed
11.04.2009 14:37:56.000 1239478676 package DeleteObsoletePackages: Removed part-jrog-f0.vpu
11.04.2009 14:37:56.000 1239478676 general Invalid licence: 0x0000007E
11.04.2009 14:37:56.000 1239478676 package LoadAllDefs failed 0x2000001A
11.04.2009 14:37:58.000 1239478678 package Transferred: files 7, bytes 1854, time 2002 ms
11.04.2009 14:37:58.000 1239478678 package Retries: total 0, files 0, servers 3
11.04.2009 14:37:58.000 1239478678 internet Sending stats ‘http://download698.avast.com/cgi-bin/iavs4stats.cgi’: 00000000 204
11.04.2009 14:37:58.000 1239478678 file NeedReboot=false
11.04.2009 14:37:58.000 1239478678 general Return code: 0x2000001A [The license key for this product is invalid or expired.
License is valid until: Wednesday, December 31, 1969
Current date: Saturday, April 11, 2009]
11.04.2009 14:37:58.000 1239478678 general Stopped: 11.04.2009, 14:37:58

Go to the SSL page version and register from there: https://secure.avast.com/scripts/register.php?lang=ENG. The Registration key is valid for 14 months.
See the tutorial: http://www.avast.com/files/tutorials/insert_key.htm