For some reason Avast won’t update the definitions files automatically. Currently I’m showing program version 7.0.1426 and virus definitions 120317-1 - which I think hasn’t updated since I updated to 1426 as the old version wasn’t updating.
For a repair of avast. Windows, Add Remove programs, select ‘avast! Anti-Virus,’ click the Change/Remove button from the pop-up window, scroll down to Repair, click next and follow.
what antivirus did you have before installing avast?
did you remove it before installing avast?
did you run a removal tool to clear any leftover files that may conflict?
read instructions on web - uninstall avast with this.
from dropp down menu run it for every version you have had and then reboot
install again and reboot
I’m having the same problem, malwarebytes will not update. I’m using XP and avast version 7.0.1426. I’ve been trying for a few months to get it to work, uninstalled and reinstalled both programs, etc.
This thread is titled avast wont update, not malwarebytes! you should probably ask you question over at the malwarebytes forum but i can tell you now that you’ll be instructed to run the MBAM Clean tool and reinstall.
How long ago was your last update and what version defs do you have? no server problems here. Have you followed the instructions by Pondus in this thread? repair and reboot and if that fails uninstall and reinstall.
Oops, sorry, I should have posted on a Malwarebyte’s forum.
Anyway, I ran that Malwarebytes clean up and reinstalled it, but Malwarebytes still won’t update. I used it without any problems for a long time with other antivirus programs.
Thanks for the help anyway, I appreciate it.
Your welcome, avast does work well and no conflicts with Malwarebytes so there must be something else in the mix that might be causing your problem but as you’ve now realised that it would be better bringing up this issue on the MBAM forum so we’ll leave it there, good luck
I tried reinstalling it, used the removal tool, and nothing worked. I finally did a system restore in Windows 7 and went back a few days. This seemed to work, and I had no problems updating to the latest definitions.
Sorry but using system restore usually usually wreaks havoc with avast unless there are several precaution used like,
Running system restore from Safe Mode
First deactivating the avast Self Protection Mode before doing a System Restore.
Not doing this could result in not having avast! work once the system is restored.
Hi. I have Windows XP on fairly new eMachine and I’m having the same problem, too, and have tried attempts that you, too, have been advised to try. I’ve concluded that it is a program fault that Avast Company can only and must fix for the rest of us. Soon, I trust. Best wishes. Chicago
Since you have, it obviously isn’t the same problem.
Please start your own topic and give us some more information about your system like:
Windows XP SP ???
What other security programs are running on your system ???
What Antivirus program was on your system before you installed avast! ??? How did you remove it ???
What pr-installed AV came on your computer when you first bought it ??? How was it removed ???
The more information you provide the more likely it will be that your problem will be solved.