Avast work corectly with Windows Systems Restore ?

I wanted to start a separate topic on this since I think it is important to know/understand.
Here is post from other thread: https://forum.avast.com/index.php?topic=157653.msg1151083#msg1151083
Also, as background some great videos from @bob1360.
Avast & System Restore: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A9yArbiAHHY&index=22&list=PL68E25CB16ECF9FFA
Self Defense Module (SDM): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J5q1ITsTOuU&index=13&list=PL68E25CB16ECF9FFA

So, over the years when I have used System Restore I have never been able to have Avast stable after this effort.
After a restore I always had to re-install Avast.
I did not realize about the SDM and what affect it had on System Restore.
This thread is to try to determine what it does…I’m still not sure.

I tried experiment this weekend on PC (Win 7 64bit) PC…

  1. Avast SDM enabled.
  2. System Restore function creates restore points fine.
  3. Restore to those points works fine but Avast seems corrupted…need for clean un/re-install
  4. Tried Restore with Avast SDM disabled and same result…but I’m guessing having SDM off reduces chances of other issues.
  5. Turned SDM off, created restore point, did system restore with SDM off and restore worked and Avast seems to work fine.

So it seems SDM needs to be off for System Restore not to affect Avast’s ability to create & restore ?
Also, I assume SDM off may avoid other nasty problems in a System Restore.
My concern would be if you have to go to a system restore in a emergency situation can you even get to Avast SDM ?
I guess having to re-install Avast on a System Restore is not worst thing but my concern would be if this corrupts something and the restore does not work…in other words I think Avast should work cleanly in creating and restoring via Windows.
Also, like I’m guessing most users System Restore takes restore points at various intervals (eg. login, MS Updates, scheduler, etc.)…which for many of those “creations” the user will not have chance to go into Avast and turn off SDM.

So, wanted to post for other comments and see if others have tested and what their experience has been ?
I think System Restore is pretty important feature and when you need it then it is too late to find out there is issues.

So it seems SDM needs to be off for System Restore not to affect Avast's ability to create & restore ? Also, I assume SDM off may avoid other nasty problems in a System Restore.
Something I've stated for some time and explained in the following video: http://youtu.be/A9yArbiAHHY

SDM = Self Defense Module in Avast. Turn it off before you create and before you restore a System Restore Point
or, before using a program called Restore Point Creator.

odd ,i never turn off self defense prior to restore point creation but always before attempting to restore. sys restore always works for me. this includes avast restoration. no issues at all. no loss of settings or anything else.
don’t know correct usage from avast. where did you get info,bob? is it official word from avast? i, for one would like to know what they say. not doubting your expertise, bob. just curious. maybe works differently on different os?


You’ll need to wait for an answer from Avast.
My post is from personal experience over a long time use.
I got tired of System Restore not working when I needed it. :slight_smile:

Does Avast turn SDM off before it creates a System Restore Point during its own program updates? -JW

I know…your videos are great !
However, from reading many posts/threads…and coupled with my experience…it seems people get different results on this.
I wanted to post a topic for others to post their experiences and perhaps Avast will chime in…on the other thread Avast (OndRezJ) stated they were not aware of Avast causing issues in System Restore…also, they never have had published any caveats about turning off/on SDM. Thus, since this is pretty darned important feature of Windows I think we should clear the air and see what does or does not work ?

This is kind of what my test shows (eludes to).
System Restore “creation” seems to work (don’t know if Avast turns off SDM in background or not ?).
If you don’t turn off SDM on “restore” then Avast is corrupted, if you do turn off SDM on “restore” it seems OK.

@ thekochs
