AVAST WRC caused firefox crash and slow load when access internet

Hi avast,
I use Avast IS v2014.9.0.2013, and the version of avast wrc add-on is 9.0.2013.75.
Use windows 7 Enterprise x86 and firefox 27.0.
When access internet, especially google play store, my firefox freeze and some time crash.
Please fix it. Thanks.

wrc add-on??
You could read here and see if any info about FF27 helps: http://forum.avast.com/index.php?topic=146045.0 :slight_smile:

Yes, wrc addon always make my FF 27.0 crash. :frowning:

wrc … I think you mean AOS the browser extension ?

AOS has been a pita for many here, uninstall it.

Yes bro, thats I mean.
Is secure to uninstall it?
