OS: Microsoft Windows Professional x64 Edition Version 2003
SP1 (its up to date)
I use Windows FireWall, Windows Defender ver. 1.1.1347.0 engine
ver. 1.1.1603.0, AVAST! 4.7 Professional ver. 4.7.892 VPS ver.0641-5
I dont have any other antivirus.
When I run avast!, it scans memory, but after scan avast! window
doesn’t appear at the screen. When I reboot system the window
appear at the screen and then close.
Select START > RUN …
Enter the following command: C:\WINDOWS\SysWOW64\REGSVR32.EXE ACTSKIN4.OCX
Press OK (or Enter).
A message saying that the file was successfully registered should appear…
If that does not work, seems that for some reason, ActiveSkin (the 3rd party library avast uses for skinning) does not seem to be working on your system. As a workaround, we may disable skinning in avast - that should solve the problem. To do that, open the file \data\avast4.ini, look up the [UserInterface] section, and add the following entry:
Well, everything is possible, but it’s hard to say for sure. Can you post a list of running processes, please (when avast! is invisible on background) - e.g. screenshot(s) from the Task Manager?
When I enabled NVIDIA desktop features and then reboot,
avast! window doesn’t appear.
And when I disables NVIDIA desktop features and then reboot,
avast! window appear.
NVIDIA drivers version is 91.36 or 91.35