Avast! your system is UNSECURED

I turned my computer and it took about 10 minutes (normally it takes about 1 min). I can’t start Avast! It just say Avast! Antivirus: WARNING your system is UNSECURED. When I click Fix button nothing happens… So It looks like I have to install something else cuz avast! sucks in last months. I’ll give a try to Avira personal or AVG free. I’ll maybe give a try to Avast! 7.
I can try to reinstall It but I’m not sure… This antivirus is not good like It was… Btw I can’t change anything in settings all shields just says Status: UNKOWN.

You say that you’ve had this problem for several months. Do you or have you had another AV on this machine in the past or now?

What other security software do you have on this machine in the past and now, including:

  • Firewall
  • resident security software
  • on-demand security software

How did you uninstall previous security software (if you did)? By the vendor’s uninstaller tool or some other way?

Have you tried Avast Repair?
XP Users:

  • Go to Control Panel > Add/Remove programs > Avast Antivirus.
  • Scroll down and choose Repair function in the pop-up window.
  • Reboot.

Vista & Win7 Users:

  • Control Panel
  • Programs & Features
  • Uninstall a Program > Select Avast Antivirus
  • Click the Change/Remove button and scroll down to Repair
  • Click Next and follow.
  • Reboot.

If this does not help, then I suggest an Avast uninstall using the Avast Uninstaller Tool http://www.avast.com/uninstall-utility / reboot / install / boot again.

Let us know how this goes for you.

Problem started today. But Avast! detection rates sucks for last months… No I don’t have other AV’s installed and there never was any… I don’t want to try avast! repair because I don’t want avast! anymore… As I said - I’ll give a try to Avira or AVG. BTW plz tell me which one is better. From the results I’ve saw - Avira has better detection but AVG lower False Positives. Still can’t understand why people use AVG more than Avira. Is it because Avira has no localisations? And I can’t really understand how avast! could reach almost 200 milions of downloads. So poor detection rate…

I know I’m on avast! forum but give me answer, please.

Download the update and run it seems to solve.

Thanks for reply. But now I’m going to use AVG for while now. I tried Avira but It’s webshield was freezing my Firefox :/. I’m happy with AVG now :slight_smile: It has pretty low memory usage and it does not slow computer while scanning (I can play cool games while scanning - with avast! I couldn’t) also cleaning abilities are better in AVG.