avast & zone alarm compatibility problem..

since i installed zone alarm pro, i received warning about incompatibility asking me to disable web shield blahblah…i clicked yes…and since then, avast isnt in my startup list…there is no blue ball tray icon…
can i somehow enable it again? and can i change some setings in ZA to be compatibile with avast home 4?
i guess that privacy thing is to blame…
i tried witn editing avast4.ini ,but zone alarm comp. line is already =1…

You were correct to answer YES, this however shouldn’t cause this failure to start as the compatibility issue is only related the the web shield localhost proxy and not avast.

The value =1 means the same as having answered Yes, =0 would mean the same as having answered No.

If you are using ZoneAlarm Pro and Privacy Control in ZoneAlarm is set to High and if you click YES in avast compatibility dialogue box the transparent mode proxy in web shield will be turned off you have to manually configure browser to access internet. To manually configure your browser watch instructional video

For IE - broadband users: - Tutorial - Web Shield Proxy Set-up for IE
For IE - dialup users - Tutorial - Web Shield Proxy Set-up for IE (Dial-up)
For Firefox users - Tutorial - Web Shield Proxy Set-up for Firefox

So your failure to start would appear to be something else.

Have (or did) you another AV installed in this system, if so what was it and how did you get rid of it ?

What other security based software do you have that might block new startup entries, e.g. Spybot S&D (TeaTimer), AdAware (AdWatch), SpySweeper, Spyware Doctor (StartUpGuard or OnGuard), PrevX, WinPatrol, ProcessGuard, etc. ?

i have ad aware, xoft spy, spybot …they were all working with avast without any problems…
there is 2 new entries in startup(both appeared after instaling ZA) :
but i dont have avg free antivirus :S ( i had it before avast)
when i open windows security center, it still recognizes avast as my antivirus program…

There would appear to be remnants of AVG remaining
How did you remove AVG ?
Who knows what else might be there avast will be trying to avoid conflict and may have disabled most of its elements. What avast processes are running in Task Manager, they begin with ash or asw, see image ?

avg7_CC is the avg control center.
avg7_emc is avg email scanner, avast detecting that would disable its email scanning to try and avoid conflict.

You should check to see where these files are first and then delete the AVG startup entries (and any associated files).

Xoftspy has a bit of a chequered history once deemed a rogue anti-spyware program, http://www.spywarewarrior.com/rogue_anti-spyware.htm#xos_note, there are plenty of other anti-spyware applications without this history. AVG anti-spyware (formerly Ewido) Or SUPERantispyware Or Spyware Terminator

Spybot has TeaTimer, you didn’t say if it is enabled because that has the potential to remove the avast ‘a’ icon. So to has adaware, if you have the paid version with AdWatch ?

Next_sa_pulpom, if you don’t want trouble, get rid of the two antivirus and the xoftspy program… 8)