
Whats the best way to remove Avast from your system if you don’t want it anymore?

Windows Add Remove programs is usually enough to remove avast, there is a utility if any problems if add remove fails or doesn’t fully uninstall it. Download the avast! Uninstall Utility, find it here

A bit early to be asking how to uninstall isn’t it ;D ;D

I trust you aren’t experiencing any problems ?

ha ha ha no I wanna know IF I ever wanna jump ship I have not downloaded it yet but I think I will now as all my questions have been answered oh I want your thoughts oh this when I asked the zone alarm forum to the same question I asked you which was does zone alarm work well which avast “If possible, don’t install Network Shield by selecting custom install and removing Network Shield. Network shield acts as a partial software firewall and may cause conflicts with ZA.”

No known conflicts with network Shield and ZA mentioned on these forums. If ZA does as it should it will provide protection against these exploits and you shouldn’t notice Network Shield at all. If however, you didn’t have a firewall or it was disabled network shield would provide very limited cover for the known exploit routes of entry.

Right can you run two A.Vs on your system so you have the best of both worlds or will they interact negatively

Your right they can interact negatively, e.g. conflict cause your system to potentially lock-up.

So it isn’t advisable to have two resident on-access AVs installed on the same system, even if one if paused/disabled as that install low level drivers.

It is best to download the new AV and save it to your HDD, disconnect from the internet and uninstall the current AV and reboot, then you can install avast.

What AV are you currently using as some are a real pain to get rid of ?

AVG free

tho before that I had a free trial (60 days) of norton so I have a load of crap somewhere on my computer

AVG should uninstall Ok, but NAV can be a bit of a pig.

A link worth looking at, which is a program removal tool that can remove the remnants of a number of different Norton Programs:
Removing your Norton program using SymNRT

I suggest you try running this, before installing avast and with your existing AV still in place, to see if there any remnants.

thanks that is done no more norton