I have the free version of Avast 4.7 home edition and I tried to get into seniornet chat but I find that unless I click pause provider I cant get into there . I didn’t have any problem getting into chat before until I installed avast is there any other way around this please ?
chat being a Java based program
Hi Focus :
I just made a brief visit to seniornet.org and read some of
the info about their "chat", called "chatterbox. Since the
site mentions "java-based Chat" & "HTML Chat", I assume
from your post you are using their "java-based Chat" !?
What Java program do you have on your computer ?
Is it Microsoft's or Sun's ?
And is AOL your Internet Service Provider, as this is
mentioned as a topic on the seniornet site ?
Im not sure but I beleive it is suns java . it says java ™2 runtime envirolment standard edition 1.4.0_02
default virtual machine 1.4.002-b02
it doesnt say if its microsofts or not
My server is Rogers cable
Not sure it helps but you certainly needs to update Java. http://java.sun.com/javase/downloads/index.jsp chose “Java Runtime Environment (JRE) 5.0 Update 9”
Best to uninstall the old version first or I think you get 2 java version. Then I guess you can pick between them when clicking java icon in control panel. But no need for that. Unless Im missing something a new java does not overwrite old.
Hi Focus :
Are you "SanJoseMike" on the seniornet forums ?
To know for sure WHAT "Java" you are using, I recommend
you use seniornet's javatester at :
http://www.javatester.org/version.html .
And tell us EXACTLY what it says ?
And what is your Operating System ?
What computer security programs, other than Avast,
do you have on your computer ?
What antiVIRUS program did you have PRIOR to
installing Avast ?
What is the NAME of the Avast "Provider" that you
are "pausing" ?
Do you know if Rogers Cable uses a "proxy" to
connect you to the internet ?
it says java runtime vendar Sun microsystems 1.5.0-06
previously I had macCaffee anti virus
I have internet explorer version 6
I dont know if Rogers cable uses a proxie sorry
Mcafee has a uninstall tool that you could run to ensure any possible remnants are removed.
I used the clean up tool so nothing is there . Also I checked with rogers and they told me how to check for proxie and it wasnt listed so thats ok .
Well Rogers told me something was blocking him and he said likely a firewall and asked me to try a couple of things I disabled windows firewall and went into chat and it worked . Looks like it was windows firewall causing the problem . Although I never touch windows firewall ever .
The windows firewal doesn’t give you very much control, you can add the chat program to its exclusions, so that shouldn’t block it.
However, I would recommend you get a third party firewall that affords you some outbound protection, where XP’s firewall offers none.
Whilst the windows XP firewall is usually good at keeping your ports stealthed (hidden) it provides no outbound protection and you should consider a third party firewall.
Any malware that manages to get past your defences will have free reign to connect to the internet to either download more of the same, pass your personal data (sensitive or otherwise, user names, passwords, keylogger retrieved data, etc.) or open a backdoor to your computer, so outbound protection is essential.
- Zone Alarm free http://www.zonelabs.com works fine with avast and has a reasonably friendly user interface. There are others, Comodo, Sunbelt Kerio, Jetico, etc.
See some firewall tests for comparison, some are freeware but many are paid for versions http://www.firewallleaktester.com/tests.php. Also see http://www.thefreecountry.com/security/firewalls.shtml