Hi guys,
i am testing avast.
If starting thunderbird 1.0 I get the message
This Mailserver imap.gmx.net is not IMAP4 Mailserver
an Thunderbird catches no Mails fom mine mailaccount. If avast
is stopped there is no problem.
Can you help me, thanks
- Go in Thunderbird’s Menu > Tool > “Set Account”.
- Confirm “Mail Address” ; kkkkk@aaa.bbb.zz
- “Set Server” click.
- Confirm “Server Name” ;
“User Name” ; kkkkk#aaa.bbb.zz (Please note #).
I am Japanese.
Sorry, bad english.
If it’s true: ist’s very complicated.
With Outlook you need nothing to configure.
What’s with Thunderbird 1.0.2?
Please send me by mail the log file as described here:
Thank you.