Avast5 + iTunes issues

Windows XP Pro SP3 - fully updated
Avast 5.0.677 db: 100920-1
iTunes 9.2, 9.2.1, and 10.0
iPhone OS 4.1

Problem: While Avast is running if I attempt to connect my iPhone, iTunes freezes for approximately 60 seconds (or until I un-plug the iPhone, whichever comes first). When iTunes un-freezes the iPhone is not in the devices list (although it does appear under My Computer).

Attempted solutions: At first I thought the problem was with the iTunes software, I followed all the iTunes troubleshooting steps, then tried several different versions. All to no avail.

My next step was to format my hard drive and re-install Windows XP. I did so, installed my security software (Avast5 and MalwareBytes Anti-Malware), connected to the internet, and fully updated Windows, Avast, and MB Anti-Malware. I then installed iTunes and attempted to sync my iPhone. The issue still presented itself.

Again I reinstalled Windows XP, and this time installed AVG Free Anti-virus and MB Anti-Malware, connected to the internet, updated everything, and tried again. Worked perfectly.

I then decided the problem must be with Avast. So I again re-install Windows, load Avast and MB Anti-Malware, and update everything. The issue presents itself. So I use the “Disable for 10 minutes” options and try again. This time it works perfectly. I then begin disabling each shield one by one and try it. As it turns out, when the Mail Shield is active iTunes simply refuses to acknowledge the existence of my iPhone. As soon as I disable the Mail Shield, everything is hunky-dory.

Just to make sure, I re-installed Windows several times, and was able to re-produce the issue every time, so I am certain it is not a mistake I am making when I install things.

Side Notes: When I say I update everything I mean everything (except Windows Search 4.0, I hate that thing), this includes several .NET versions. Finally, syncing my iPod (not a touch, much older) works perfectly fine, and in fact if I re-enable the Mail Shield after my iPhone is recognized, I can sync it with no problem, so the issue only presents itself when the iPhone is plugged in, not after.

So my question is… why is the Mail Shield causing this problem, and is there a permanent fix I can use, instead of disabling the Mail Shield every time I want to snyc my iPhone?

I tried to include as much information as possible, but if I left anything out let me know and I’ll provide whatever information I have.

I suppose that you are using the latest version. If you think that the prooblem is the Mail Shield, uncheck the “Scan inbound and outbound”.

Open avast! Interface, then go to Real Time Shields, and then Mail Shield. and uncheck them.

If the problem persist, is possible that the bug is from avast!. I use Blackberry and I not have any type of problem. Also, I have itunes 10.

That fixes the problem, but doesn’t answer the question. I want to be able to sync my iPhone and have secure e-mail all at the same time.

As a side note, “Scan inbound messages” is the part causing the problem, unchecking it, but leaving “Scan outbound messages” checked allows the iPhone to sync with no problems. So… why does Avast scanning inbound e-mail messages stop an iPhone from snycing? Makes no sense at all.

What version of Avast are you using?


Unfortunately, i too suffer from the exact same problem. Plus, i cant surf the net without web shield turned off also!
Ive been with avast for a few years, only now, im getting problems.

Kinda regret updating to 5.0.677

Hopefully the avast team can actually solve this problem.

Thanks in advance to those who help & contribute.

Is everyone here on this thread using iTunes 10 with 5.0.677? Please fill in blanks:

ebMusicMan84 - 5.0.677 with iTunes 10 (all versions) (XP) Confirmed
Mail Shield issue: needs to be disabled to sync phone

Llanziel - Avast v.______ with iTunes 10 (OS____)
Issue: ?

dgnr. - 5.0.677 with iTunes 10 (?) (OS_____)
Issue: Needs to disable Web Shield to surf.
Any Mail Shield issue?
What browser(s) used?

Another update: I installed XP Pro from a different CD and without updating anything installed iTunes and Avast5. I updated the definition database to 100920-1, but left the program at version 5.0.549. The problem presented itself exactly the same way as it has before.

So to add to the list:

ebMusicMan84 - 5.0.549 with iTunes 10 (all versions) (XP Pro SP3)
Mail Shield issue: needs to be disabled to sync phone

I did some searching and there is a possible issue with iTunes 10 (the new release).

Does anyone have iTunes with a lower version with Avast 5.0.677 with any issues?

As it has been mentioned there are known issues with the latest iTunes version and Outlook not working together very well. If you are using Outlook try disabling any iTunes Outlook add-ins and see if that helps.

Could users please identify if they are using Outlook as well? Thank you.

Edit: k.u.r.t.: Is this not an issue with FF or other browsers?

I was referring to http://forum.avast.com/index.php?topic=63983.0 - this issue has been reported by many users in the last week and is currently pending detailed investigation on our side. However we have identified that the latest iTunes is reponsible…

I do not use Outlook, and the issue has presented it self with all versions of iTunes that support iPhone OS 4.1 (9.2, 9.2.1, 10.0).

I have iTunes 10, avast! 5.0.677 and Outlook 2010 and I NOT have any type of problems. I do not use iTunes much. Only Outlook, everyday. And have no problems. See my signatures for OS.

I would be willing to guess the problem might lay in the operating system, I have the same setup on a Windows XP MCE computer, and haven’t experienced any problems at all. The problem has only presented itself on XP Pro.

I did a little research regarding issues with iTunes and recent problems:

http://threatpost.com/en_us/blogs/apple-uses-security-advisory-push-itunes-10-upgrade-090210 - Threatpost Security Post: Apple Plugs Hole with Latest Release

http://support.apple.com/kb/HT4276 - Security hole from Apple

http://support.apple.com/kb/TS1421 - Trouble-shooting from Apple (Must read)

http://support.apple.com/kb/TS1852?viewlocale=en_US - i Tunes Won’t Open or Quits from Apple

http://support.apple.com/kb/TS3430 - Trouble-shooting with 3rd party plug-ins from Apple

http://support.apple.com/kb/HT1926 - Additional trouble-shooting tips from Apple (Must read)

http://www.itwire.com/opinion-and-analysis/core-dump/41652-itunes-10s-automator-issues-indicate-a-deeper-problem - commentary

It looks like the ultimate cause of the problems is with Apple. The posted links should help those of you affected try to trouble-shoot. If you still cannot fix your problem, then I suggest contacting Apple.

Should you get some insight that would help us, please post here to help others. Thank you.

Those links seem to deal with problems encountered during normal operation that cause iTunes to completely stop working, and or problems that cause abnormal, or aborted installations. Neither of these in any way resemble the problem I am having.

When you reinstalled Avast, did you uninstall AVG using the AVG uninstaller tool? It is possible you have remnants left behind causing a conflict. If not, it is listed here: http://uninstallers.blogspot.com/ - run the AVG uninstaller then reboot your machine. You will then need to uninstall Avast and do a clean install.

Please let me know if you have any additional questions. Thank you.

No, I did not run the AVG removal tool, I ran the Windows removal tool. IMO it’s a bit more thorough, don’t you agree?

I still suggest running the AVG uninstaller tool.