AVAST7 + Citrix Xennapp 6.5 = Published aplications no longer work.

Hi Everyone, i am new to avast so here is goes.

We had a copy of avast 4.8 running in our enviroment, so we wantedt o update to a current version so we installed and configured a copy of 7.

  • this was installed on citrix xenapp servers (2008r2sp1) and was tested for 4 days without issue.

  • As soon as this was roled out to production, published aplications no longer worked.

  • Diabled the sheilds one by one: still didnt work with them all down.

  • Logged into the EAC disabled everything for the testing server, still didnt work

  • none of the shields were reporting any alerts or anything blocked.

  • I disabled the service, and everything worked perfectly.

  • rolled back to 4.8 everything still working perfectly.

anyone else encoutered a similar issue and have any suggestions, ive created a support ticket and will udpate this with any info i get.


Welcome to the forums, wdensky !

Hopefully, someone can help you soon.

Also, there is a section of the forum for servers where you may get quicker help.
