Hey guys,

while cleaning my %temp%-directory I found a folder called AVASTBCLTMP.
In this folder was another subfolder named chrome. The only file inside that folder was Web Data.

In this file were many urls and links I had clicked on the past days, e-mail adresses I use and also nicknames for forums.
I couldn’t find any of my passwords, which let me relax a bit, but I mean, wtf is that?

I am using AVAST for years now, I resetted my PC a few days ago and updated the Avast-Software recently. This never happened to me.

Hi xxchucki,

Did you cleanse the browser cache?

Nothing specific then, it was where google chrome saves internet temporary files.
Read: https://productforums.google.com/forum/#!topic/chrome/TjNEte2WkQg

Chrome stores all the sign-on secrets into the internal database file called ‘Web data’ in the current user profile folder. Newer version has moved the login passwords related database into new file named ‘Login Data’. Read: http://securityxploded.com/chromepassworddecryptor.php

Also interesting to read this from Chrome Development: https://developer.chrome.com/apps/app_codelab7_useridentification



I did not clean my Cache.
But why should chrome save my web data in the folder avastbcltmp, which looks to me like a temporary folder for the avast browser cleanup tool?
And there was not any file called login data. I cannot really believe that this came from chrome, because this never happened to me before


I want to revoke my last reply.
I just checked the Google-Chrome directory and found the Web Data file inside there, even more up to date.

I used Avast Browser Cleanup a few days ago, which seemed to create a backup of this file.
My Login Data file is empty (thank god).

Thank you very much polonus!

Hi xxchucki,

Glad we could set your mind at ease.
Very good you made your concerns known, others may also benefit from your post. ;D
I wish you to stay safe and secure through avast! av, and have a great weekend!


Hi, I’ve changed my username and its folder which is in Users folder, but the only thing has not moved is this folder:
C:\Users(Old Account)\AppData\Local\Temp\avastBCLTMP

how to change this temp folder’s path?

It is Windows that handles that, not avast.