avastbrowser.exe multiples

Not sure if this is the correct section, but here goes.

I happened to look at my windows task manager, and I see 24 instances of avastbrowser.exe in the processes tab.

Where are these coming from and how do I get rid of them and prevent them from starting up?

I’m at avast 21.2.2455, win7.


Edit: I should mention I don’t use Avast browser at all. My default is Firefox.

This happens in many other browsers (but possibly more in ASB, given its security functionality), the more tabs you have open the more instances of your browser function you will see. They should also self-regulate (up to a point), closing as functions and or tabs reduce.

First I don’t use the ASB browser, but use Firefox as my default browser and I see multiple (14) instances of firefox, with 11 tabs open, but crucially it isn’t using a lot of RAM or CPU.
Is there a specific reason that you wish to do this ?

First I would suggest that you update your Avast Program is now at 21.3.2459 (build 21.3.6164.561), that said I don’t know how this would impact the ASB. So I would suggest you ensure you have the latest version of that.

Hi David,

I’m not using Avast browser at all. That’s why my question.

My default is Firefox, and I can understand why there might be a number of instances when you have tabs open. I have 2 tabs open, and see a few instances, which is normal.

I could understand if these Avast instances were maybe part of some core Avast function, but even if they were, 24?? Doesn’t seem right.

I have updated Avast today, but have not yet re-booted.


That’s both interesting and strange.

Have you checked in the Control Panel > Programs > Programs & Features as the ASB is a stand alone program (so should have its own uninstall function) ?
If you have ASB and Avast then there is some integration.

I can only think that at some point there has been an avast program update that has also been promoting ASB and the checkbox may have been checked and you end up with ASB installed and probably set as your default browser. I watch all program updates/installed (not just avast) like a hawk to make sure I don’t get something I don’t want.

That said there have recently been a few reports in the forums that ASB has been installed without the users knowledge or permission.

Yes, very strange.

I went to Programs&Features, and Avast Browser was installed on Apr 8 2021. I went to my other pc and see the same thing. I’m guessing the browser came down with the virus definitions, because the Avast application is configured “ask when update is available”, and I haven’t yet updated the application on my 2nd pc. Only the definitions are configured as auto-update.

I started the browser and checked the config. It is not configured to be the default, and it is not configured to auto-start. After I closed the browser, I now see 26 instances (before was 24) and it now pinned itself to the taskbar.

I remember several times in the past when I updated the application, the browser had made itself the default browser, and auto-start at reboot. After the first time, I went and re-configured both those items to be off, and then the next update, they suddenly were both on again. I remember being annoyed at the time.

On my 2nd pc there are 22 instances of avastbrowser.exe. I guess it’s not a big deal, except they do take up memory (up to 100k, some of them), and use some CPU I suppose. And again, I never use that browser, never even opened it.

Now that I installed the update, I’ll go ahead and reboot, and see what happens.


I rebooted and it updated the application.

All the avastbrowser.exe instances are gone.

I started the browser, and I saw one instance, closed the browser, and that instance went away. I checked the settings and they look ok.

Looks like it’s behaving now. I’ll check back in a few days.


You’re welcome.

Hi frankey999 & DavidR,

Use the browser’s built-in task manager via Shift+Esc
(functioning in all Chrome/Chromium-based browsers).

Then you will have some solid idea what goes on under the browser’s hood,
and what is eating that CPU capacity,
like for instance the inbuilt ad-blocker consuming quite a bit of that CPU cycles.

Explore and you will know more,

polonus (avast secure browser beta-tester)

I don’t use Chrome I have avoided it for this long and I can’t see that changing any time soon :slight_smile:

I did a very short trial with ASB but soon removed it.

“I don’t use Chrome I have avoided it for this long and I can’t see that changing any time soon”

Me too.

I am a little curious about the Avast browser, and will give it a trial soon. Haven’t used it yet, so I don’t understand why all those instances are active.

I’m suspecting they were all activated when the browser was installed, even though the browser itself was not active.


I haven’t been paying attention for awhile, but I finally took a look at my task manager, and again there are 10 avastbrowser.exe instances. (avast 21.2.2455)

I have not started up the avast browser, never even looked at it, so I just wonder why those instances are there.

Seems like every once in a while, a couple more instances pop up.

Some of them are using between 1,000-3,000K memory, and peak working size of > 125,000K, although no CPU that I can see.

What are they doing there?

Anyone know?
