

Is the above a legitimate Avast! download site?

As far as I know, that site is awfully suspicious!^^

Dont visit that site, if u want to download avast!, please go to the main and legitimate site^^


Yes it is! If you press on the download button and check the (variable) link it refers to downloadxxx.avast.com . This number is a kind of random number according to which server is the least used I guess. But that’s not important. If you type in one of those links (for example I got download760.avast.com) you’ll find yourself on the original website of avast!. And in addition if you check the source code of avastdownload.org you’ll find a line like this:<div onclick=“window.open(‘http://files.avast.com/files/latest/avast_home_setup.exe’,'_self’)” … Which means a place you can click on it, and it’ll refer you to http://files.avast.com/files/latest/avast_home_setup.exe . In our case it is the big blue spot with the download inscription.
According to Addict 's post it might be a suspicious website, but the file you get it from is surely the original one. Html and php are server based programming languages so they cannot really change themselves real-time, so if a links refers to somewhere in a sourcecode, it will do the same in action.

No it isn’t, by legitimate, I mean as far as I aware it isn’t an official Alwil Software site and there are many rogue sites out there.

I would still not recommend using it as you don’t know what you are going to get on the other end of that ‘Download here’ button as the status bar information is suppressed. So without actually checking the page source code (yes you did, but your average punter doesn’t), you haven’t got the slightest idea what is going to happen.

I would only ever download from a) the official website or b) a more well known download site like download.com, majorgeeks, etc. that provide some assurance that downloads are malware free.

David right, do not forget to check http://www.avast.com/eng/fraudulent-sales-of-avast-products.html for more information.

That is only a known list, there are likely to be many more out there, which is why I say use the official website or well known download sites that provide some assurance that downloads are malware free.

An individual registered at MalWareRemoval.com with the username, “avastdownload.” He made one post, and that consisted only of a link to avastdownload.org. We have removed his post and he has been banned.

I am certain that Alwil would never approve of this sort of behavior being associated with avast AV.

Absolutely, Alwil would not condone spamming forums to promote a site and one which isn’t an official Alwil Software/avast web site, even more so.

If the same individual did/tried the same and registered here (highly unlikely I think) and posted a link to that site it too would be reported.