did you do the uninstal and removal under Administrator-Login ?
did you reboot after it… ?
did you empty all windows wastebaskets/Recyled-folders ?
try again the tool with reboot, look on the symantec website for more info on manual removal…
or try booting to safeMode (F8-Boot) and removing it there…
I forgot to say: this is a problem of Norton SystemWorks and not avast.
Your uninstallation was poor because Norton is one of the worse programs to be uninstalled
Yes I will… I did as above and got a response y/n and chose y… and something happened I won’t know if it worked until I do another scan with Avasti - but thanks in advance
Yes I do realise it’s a Norton caused problem. I asked here because being a major competitor I hoped many people here would have migrated from Norton and therefore would have had a similar problem…
Had I known Norton was so difficult to remove before I did so I would of course have flushed and everything first… sorry about that… I guess we never usually know in advance…
technical - I appreciate your help very much but I would ask you to be careful about this advice in future …
I carried out those instructions and when I rebooted… I had lost my Admin profile in Win2k… luckily though I am not a guru I am competent… and was able to create a new profile… also as an administrator.
However I have lost all of my prefernces for more than a dozen programs … including all my Gravity usenet history and settings and stuff ???. Luckily I was able to copy over some stuff such as desktop and things…
It’s going to take me a while to catch up…
Sorry saoir, I did that suggestion because I use it in Windows XP…
I did not lose - I cannot imagine how this happen in your computer - the administrator account…
It’s a terrible side effect
It’s my own responsibility: spent the weekend reinstalling more than a dozen apps… email/usent/dreamweaver/ etc… and trying to reclal the settings/profiles…
Dangerous thing them command prompts…