Avast's! Informative Note Inside Email Bodies - Doesnt Work!

Avast could insert informative notes both into clean and infected messages.

I have tried doing that by placing a check mark in all options under the Tabs of POP, SMTP, IMAP and NNTP. I know that placing a check in all options doesnt do any wrong BUT whether I use Yahoo, Hotmail or Gmail - the informative note doesnt appear!!! I have emailed myself and checked the mail inside inbox!!! Why is this happening?

Previously I had used AVG and there it was pretty simple; just one check to ensure placement of informative note in all email types including Outlook.

Can anybody help with precise instructions for I think I might be missing something here!

I use Avast V4.7 Home. OS is XP SP2. For Hotmail and Yahoo email, I’m using their Beta versions.

Which is your email program?
avast only adds notes in pop3/smtp clients and not into webmail.
Besides this, into the ‘Sent items’ the messages are shown without the notes as the notes are added ‘after’ they leave the email program.

As Tech has advised you if you are using the Web interface to send/receive Yahoo and Hotmail then your email is not scanned by the Internet Mail Provider. The “clean” notes and X-Antivirus header are only inserted when you are using an email client (like Outlook Express, Eudora, Thunderbird etc) and receiving your mail on standard POP/SMTP accounts. This is no difference here whether you are using avast or AVG.

While GMail is also accessible via the Web interface it can be used with an email client but then it required by GMail to use secure connections to the POP & SMTP servers of GMail. The whole intention of using secure connections is that they cannot be intercepted (by anyone or any antivirus program) so neither avast or AVG will insert the messages in GMail unless some other special steps are taken.

Take a look here: http://forum.avast.com/index.php?topic=10428.0 to see how to set up secure email with avast!.

Since SSL/TLS e-mail is encrypted and decrypted in the client, external virus scanners (including avast!) can’t read or scan it. The solution is to pass e-mail in and out un-encrypted from your client (Outlook Express, Thunderbird, …) to a proxy program (Stunnel) that does the actual ssl or tls encryption/decryption of the pop3/smtp e-mail and communicates directly with the ISP server on the appropriate ports. Download here: http://www.stunnel.org/download/binaries.html

Ok guys thanks…lets see how it all works out.

Just one more point.

If you are receiving your Hotmail/Yahoo messages in a mail client that is using Webmail to POP converter functions like YPops, FreePops or the Thunderbird Webmail extensions then there is a different cause for the “clean” messages not appearing.

If this is the case there is a simple solution - so let us know.

I’m curious ;D