Avast's mobile app is a disgrace.

The mobile Avast is a disgrace.
It looks like it was designed by a 14 year old Russian hacker.
More junk and ads than anything on the internet, and very difficult to tell what is Avast and what is I guess allied companies pushing unnecessary garbage.
I deleted it quickly.
They should be embarrased by their mobile app. Not worthy of this company.

As has been explained many times, there are no ads in the paid version.

And about the design, some like it while others don’t.
It is just a matter of taste.
It is not possible to please everyone.

Besides, it is not a picture you have to look at.
It is a tool that is supposed to do its work in the background.

How is a tool useful if it doesn’t do what you ask of it? Such as after a scan it saying “you have not done a file system scan yet” and if you hit “scan files now” it launches the wifi security check.

This is coming from a paid user who did see ads for a week while avast sorted out the subscription snafu, which some paid users are still experiencing. I’m glad my subscription got fixed, but, you must admit, the current state of avast’s mobile app is flawed at best.

Yes the wording in several avast tools can be better and there should not be any ads in the paid versions.
Not even promotional ones for other avast products.
I (and others) have been complaining about it for years.
But avast seems to be as those three monkeys…

It’s not a matter of wording, it’s a matter of function. See this screen? App locking IS already on. This is my nexus 7… I think I’m ok with blocking calls as this is a wifi only device. That first menu option about not having run a scan of the internal file system? I click ‘start file scan’ and it checks my wifi security. Check wifi speed? Also starts wifi security scan.

Everything seems to work normally on my galaxy s5 which has samsungs bastardized android 6.0.1 yet on a plain vanilla 6.0.1 on a nexus device it has issues? How does that make sense? Lol


Sorry if the image might not display but apparently the preview button is also broken on chrome for android for some reason. (Previews maybe once but won’t after that) Edited just to attach file instead

Hi, thanks for reporting this, your message has been forwarded to the developers and QA, they will have a closer look at it.

Behavior was still the same on 6.1.3 except call blocking disappeared, i guess it now checks for phone function. I figured out a workaround for a couple things.

I was able to clear the file scan issue by turning on settings>protection>scan filesystem. However even after turning off the setting again it seems to still scan the filesystem during every scan.

Oddly after doing that the speed test started working as a speed test.

It still prompts me to turn on app locking even though it is on already.

It prompts to start a privacy check even though it has been done and no new apps/updates have been installed since the last time I ran privacy check.

Bill M.
I am one of those PAID users with a subscription issue. Very glad you’re got resolved. I have been going for 2 weeks now without the benefits of my paid subscription. Getting impatient to say the least.