avastsvc.exe high CPU usage

I was Working With Free Avast Antivirus And Everything Working Fine
Now I Just Buy A Key For Avast Antivirus Internet Security 2016
Thr Proplem Is The Program Take 20/30% From My Cpu Usage So What Can I Do ?

The first thing that will make a difference is AIS has a “Firewall” which will be monitoring all traffic all the time and the FREE version does not. This will use more system resources.
Make sure you do not have any other ‘Security software’ installed that may be conflicting with your Avast Internet Security. :slight_smile:

I was Working With bitdefender total security 2015 for a year and nothing like that happen
and avast is the only security program in my pc
maybe i chose the wrong product to buy ?

Make secure what product you talking about?every products is different.I test the Bitdefender Total Security 2016 and it is take my CPU 200% and avast! IS only take 60% to 80%(scanning time) :slight_smile:

high cpu usge is not in scan time only its all the time if i do onthing avast will take my cpu down
and i said i was working with avast free same pc same windows and everything was working fine for me
i think its a big mistake to upgrade

It depend on your pc hardware is it old or new?This is my CPU Pic… :)What avast! IS version do you use?

@ oo00medo00oo
Please stick to conventional text, Red isn’t great for contrast and many people are Red, Green colour blind.

Left justified is also easier to read.

Avast doesn’t just scan of its own volition, there has to be some activity that warrants its scanning.
What are you doing when this activity is happening ?

When you are seeing this avast CPU activity, is your avast tray icon rotating ?
AvastUI > Settings > General - enable the ‘Animate the icon when scanning.’

Ensure that you have fully removed all remnants of your previous AV.
General: Uninstalling a third-party antivirus software - See avast FAQ article, http://www.avast.com/faq.php?article=AVKB11#artTitle.

Oh Sorry For using Red

And My Pc Specs

Hp Z400
Windows 7 Ultimate 64bit
Intel Xeon cpu W3530
Ram 8gb
Vga Gtx 560
Avast Version 11.1.2253

And Yes My Avast Tray Icon Rotating In Windows Start Up Only For A Second And Stop
And High Cpu Usage Happen All The Time Even If I Do Nothing

The icon animation is turned off by default in the current version.


I’m marked (animate the icon when scaning ) done


@ oo00medo00oo

I think DavidR touched on a “crucial” point.
Being as you have had another AV installed (BitDefender) and unless it was properly (thoroughly) removed/Uninstalled it is more then likely, that there are Remnants left from Bitdefender (especially) in the Registry and Program Data Folders that can/could be causing some kind of conflict. :slight_smile:

Man I Was Using BitDefender Before a year In The Old Windows
But in This Windows i Just install avast free and upgrade to avast internet security
which mean i uninstall my free avast and restart my pc and download avast internet security 2016 and insert the key
nothing anymore

This Pic After Uninstall Avast Internet Security 2016 Using avastclear
