Avastsvc.exe much higher memory usage than normal

This started happening less than a week ago. Avastsvc.exe randomly starts using up a lot more memory than normal. As seen here - http://i.imgur.com/9gwD5nF.jpg

it’s getting concerning. last night I actually woke up to use the restroom and noticed my computer was being really loud. I opened up my processes and saw avastsvc.exe up to 4.4 mil or something like that.

I’ve also found that disabling the web shield fixes it, but I’d rather not leave that off.

The new beta will fix that, you can try an over the top install but preferably I would do a clean install using the removal tool http://forum.avast.com/index.php?topic=144768.0

edit: figured it out. I am updated. will post again if problem persists, thanks.

No problem :slight_smile:

still having an issue! on the task manager, it doesn’t show avast as using abnormally high memory anymore. but, I think there’s something wrong with my web shield. it may not show it, but my computer after a while just starts getting a little loud and every time I’ve disabled the web shield, it quiets down.