avastsvc.exe This process makes an Internet connection.

Microsoft Windows [Version 10.0.19043.985] Windows home 64bit Kor

avast free
21.4.2464 (Build 21.4.6266.561)

I have blocked the process internet connection.

The reason is that I am connecting to http.
I don’t use it.

I have faith in https.

My question avastsvc.exe Does this process require numerous Internet connections?

And my suggestions are as follows.

Internet Connection Secure 443 port connection I want to make a https connection (recommended).

I’m worried about the unsecured Internet remote address tcp 80 port.

If I allow internet connection.

The avastsvc.exe process is always connected.

Even if I don’t use chrome.(Internet connection-free status)

I’m worried.
avastsvc.exe Many processes Internet connections. And an unknown Internet remote connection address that is not secure.

I’m using the avast program well.
Program updates work well.
I can use the internet well.

I’m not asking this question because I don’t have an Internet connection. :slight_smile:

Additional content.
The svchost.exe process also wants an Internet connection.
I don’t use a remote connection.
I don’t share a computer.

I closed everything with the ‘OOSU10’ program.

Yes, AvastSvc certainly needs internet connections. Without them, you won’t get streaming updates, file reputations services won’t work etc. In conclusion, the protection will be worse.

Thank you for your answer.(I’ll follow your advice.)
(avastsvc.exe) I changed to allow internet connection.

I was worried about the unknown connection.