Microsoft Windows [Version 10.0.19043.985] Windows home 64bit Kor
avast free
21.4.2464 (Build 21.4.6266.561)
I have blocked the process internet connection.
The reason is that I am connecting to http.
I don’t use it.
I have faith in https.
My question avastsvc.exe Does this process require numerous Internet connections?
And my suggestions are as follows.
Internet Connection Secure 443 port connection I want to make a https connection (recommended).
I’m worried about the unsecured Internet remote address tcp 80 port.
If I allow internet connection.
The avastsvc.exe process is always connected.
Even if I don’t use chrome.(Internet connection-free status)
I’m worried.
avastsvc.exe Many processes Internet connections. And an unknown Internet remote connection address that is not secure.
I’m using the avast program well.
Program updates work well.
I can use the internet well.
I’m not asking this question because I don’t have an Internet connection.
Additional content.
The svchost.exe process also wants an Internet connection.
I don’t use a remote connection.
I don’t share a computer.
I closed everything with the ‘OOSU10’ program.