avastsvc utilise CPU

For some 10-15 days now, avastsvc utilise CPU.

This happens when using the browser, especially with video.
One launched browser with video playback consumes 35-40% (of which 25-30 is used by avastsvc).
Two such running yeld: 100% CPU used.
Earlier in such cases (2 browser windows with video running) CPU usage was around 30-40%.

Loading a page with many images (news portals), consumes little less, around 15-25%.
But there is a delay in loading pages, especially images.
Before, that particular page was loaded like a blink. Now, it takes around 10-20 s. to load full.

When loading that page, during video playback, there is also a decrease in bitrate or pause in playback.

Looks like as the number of threads matter or what?
Nothing indicates a browser problem, because the same symptoms occur in FF like in GC.
Both in the latest versions.
W7 also current, updated.

Any suggestions? diagnosis?

  • Which Avast…? (Free/Pro/IS/Premium)
  • Which version…?
  • OS…? (32/64 Bit…? - which SP/Build…?)
  • Other security related software installed…?
  • Which AV(s) did you use before Avast…?

Avast Free Antivirus
v19.8.2393 (kompilacja 19.8.4793.541), interface v1.0.415)
W7, 64bit, SP1
Using Avast for some 5-7y now, do not remember if any other was used before, on that host…

  1. Download Avast Free Antivirus: https://files.avast.com/iavs9x/avast_free_antivirus_setup_offline.exe
  2. Follow instructions: https://www.avast.com/uninstall-utility (Run this tool for all prior installed Avast versions…!!)
  3. Reinstall Avast with the downloaded installer from point 1.
  4. Reboot.

Avastsvc uses 1-3% CPU now, again.

Wonder what was wrong? Some misconfiguration during last update?
Cause it all looks like there was bottleneck in the number of connections processed in parallel or in general, with processing of the connection.

You’re welcome.