For some 10-15 days now, avastsvc utilise CPU.
This happens when using the browser, especially with video.
One launched browser with video playback consumes 35-40% (of which 25-30 is used by avastsvc).
Two such running yeld: 100% CPU used.
Earlier in such cases (2 browser windows with video running) CPU usage was around 30-40%.
Loading a page with many images (news portals), consumes little less, around 15-25%.
But there is a delay in loading pages, especially images.
Before, that particular page was loaded like a blink. Now, it takes around 10-20 s. to load full.
When loading that page, during video playback, there is also a decrease in bitrate or pause in playback.
Looks like as the number of threads matter or what?
Nothing indicates a browser problem, because the same symptoms occur in FF like in GC.
Both in the latest versions.
W7 also current, updated.
Any suggestions? diagnosis?