Installation of the beta 2 went without a problem.
Booting windows gives me the error twice.
No tray icon and can open the avastui, although avast seems to running otherwise correct.
Windows XP/SP3
After rebooting twice, the problem is still there.
According to the start menu in windows, I have used the safezone while I haven’t.
Taskmanager is showing two instances of avastui running. (both using up to 50% cpu)
Starting applications is really slow.
Thanks for info, can you please turn off self protection (Settings / Troubleshooting), download & run, and when you’ll get that error, don’t click on OK, but find avastui.exe in Process Explorer and create a dump file (right-click context menu; please compress it, upload somewhere and send me link: Thanks! Meanwhile I’ll try to find why you get this error in source code…
Sorry, but I can’t do that.
I can’t turn off self protection since I can’t open the avast interface.
If there is a way to do it through command line or something I am will to give it a try.
I do have the sysinternals suite when needed.
Just a thought, but could it have to do with the fact that my cpu doesn’t support SSE2?
Yes, the error means “invalid instruction” and minidumps will help us locate the problem. If you’re not able to disable self protection by modifying INI, let me know, I’d send you a special tool to disable it.
Tried and failed.
I did disable the selfdefense but avast enabled it again when booting.
Resulting in procesxp saying “access denied” when trying to create the dump file.
My brain has started working again.
Booted in safemode
Started procesxp
Started avast
Created the dump files.
for help, please start your own thread.
My problem was solved and was not the same you are having.
Mine was caused by the fact some instructions where for SSE2 cpu’s only.