A user that I support received a dialog box this morning:
“AvastUI.exe - Application Error - The instruction at 0x77182d24 referenced memory at 0x0d6d6f6e. The memory could not be written. Click OK to terminate the program”
The user clicked OK and seems to be running ok for now, but I’m not sure exactly what part of avast has been “terminated”.
O/S: Windows 7 Ultimate 32-bit. Avast Free.
The last time the user got this message was about a month or so ago when a bad signature file/engine update was released and a lot of false positives resulted (related to a FP in javascript files which quickly brought QuickBooks down). I had the user reboot and that’s when all hell broke loose with the FP reporting. Avast had the problem fixed within an hour or two with a corrected update.
This time, I’m not seeing any such situation being reported by the community.
Can you give me guidance on what to do next?