avatar(s) for darkparrot (at his request)

Here they are… yes, two of them, and you chose which one you want to use. I personally prefer “the flying one”, but it’s totally up to you darkparrot…

Anyway, your head won’t hurt if you have them both, right ? ;D ;D ;D

First one:


Second one:


Regards !

AWESOME! Thanks!



Sasha could you please send me a detailed help file with graphics explaining how you do this great work ;D

Please don’t make it to hard :stuck_out_tongue:

The background pictures are really nice too, they would make a great wallpaper… 8)

Ugh… detailed… ;D it would take few hours, haha… because it’s much easier to do it than to explain everything… but briefly explanation would be:

1.) I create 2-dimensional vector shape (just wireframe) in CorelDraw12… and if I want it to be as sharp as it can be when shrinked to the size of 100x100 pixels (avatar’s size) it has to be vectors, not bitmap graphic.


2.) I turn everything into (still) 2-dimensional poligons and I color certain areas of the object.


3.) Then I export my creation as .AI (Adobe Illustrator file) to get much smaller physical size of the file and of course to be able to import it in the 3D program I use. It can read just few file types since I don’t have plug-ins for importing some other file types… anyway, .AI is sooo good to work with, so I’m using it very often.


4.) Now starts cleaning of the object and combining of all those separate parts (oh yeah, there are so many separate parts I work with - see screenshot below)… Note: every little poligon you see on the screenshot, is a separate object… it allowes me to control each object the way I want and not as a compact unit. It means, I can control transparency, 3D effects, bevels and some other things separatelly for each one of those little parts… I hope I’m not boring you with this stuff… hehe ;D


5.) After I cleaned the object completely and combined all those separate parts, I import it into Swift 3D. Now, I add 3D effects to it, plus I create all those 3D animations in the same program. I am not that good in 3D animating, I am familiar just with few standard movement commands… sure I would like if I had more free time to play with those 3D applications, but unfortunatelly I went completely other direction… :-\



6.) Finally I import everything into Fireworks, put everything into one big unit, add some backgrounds, add some effects, and of course manually create all those words animations and stuff…


And that’s pretty much it… same thing with your avatar Peter, same thing with Polonus’es avatar, same with all others… ;D ;D ;D

Cheers !

Oh is that all well that should take me a couple of daysmonths maybe years to become half fair at ;D It’ll take me that long to save up to buy the applications :o

Well it costs nothing to dream thanks mate

Very interesting stuff…

Hehe, you’re funny guys…

Yes it takes some time and some money and most important huge amount of effort… if you don’t like what you do, then you will not give your 100% and you will never ever achieve anything… but if you are interested in something, there is practically no limit… even the sky is not the limit. You CAN DO WHATEVER you imagine… just keep trying…

I remember, few weeks ago, when I was working on a huge (colosal) Flash project, I wanted to make something exactly as I had in my mind… it was almost impossible. There were few certain other ways to do it, but I stubborn as I am, didn’t want to hear about those other ways… I wanted to make exactly as I had it in my head first time… also, there were some other factors which wouldn’t allow me to use those other methods… I almost cried, I was trying whole night, I killed myself with everything possible and nothing would help…

Finally I left my desk, went to the kitchen, took some coffe and after few minutes it kicked me right in the head… I almost dropped my cup of coffe, hehe ;D

And sat down, tried and it worked out of the blue… it was about some Action Script programming in Flash. I was soooooo happy after all those tears and nerve wrecking hours spent on trying to solve it… but once again I proved myself that everything is possible if you play long enough with it… I went to bed and kissed my precious wife like a happy child when you give him an ice cream, haha ;D All she said, was: "… I won’t even ask… I know… you finally got it working, right ?"

She knows me very well ;D

yes Sasha persistance, strong will and a cup of coffee will almost always win ;D

LOL i like what it says under your avatar Peter ;D

Haha… it would sound better if it’s Sasha McDonald Trump

;D ;D ;D


Peter Bon-bon-alini

;D ;D

[b]Sasha MclAngilo Trump--et[/b]

Ya but he can’t even do his hair what hope would he have a graphic design the hair piece would fall into this eye$$

Hihihi… anyway, I would still love to be him… with all those bad hairdos, doesn’t matter… I would be even bold if needed ;D ;D ;D

Hahaha even George Lucas wouldn’t have thought of a DARTH Mickey Mouse hihihi Has an even greater weapon than a lightsaber…his teeth… haha ;D

EDIT: Yes Sasha you’re not Trump but you can still DREAM ON(Just came to mind i’m listening to Aerosmith right now) ;D ;D ;D

P.S: He(Trump) has a new wife, a very pretty Slovenian girl… :wink:

Something like this ?


;D ;D ;D ;D

Haha, she is the only reason I wouldn’t like to be him… she seems so stupid it’s unbelievable… that look… c’mon, like she is in love ;D ;D ;D ;D

Hahaha, well yes, but maybe we could put it this way… she IS in love, but with his bank accounts… ;D ;D

LOL that’s the most dangerous SITH Lord out there, others choke you like Vader but he does something much worse he bites you and then he laughs at you… ;D ;D ;D

P.S:You should see the folks here, now they were all best friends with her before she left for… hahaha ;D

EDIT: But atleast she has a little more brain than Severina don’t you agree haha :wink:

Hahaha, Severina glupaca nad glupacama… koja je to kozetina ahahahahahaha ;D ;D ;D Yeah, I can imagine how everybody treated her before and how it looks like now… unbelievable… bunch of lousy hippocrates…

No, Donald’s wife is really pretty, can’t say anything against the fact that she is wonderful. Nase gore list, hehehe…

My wife adores her, it’s unbelievable…

Though people can do what ever they set off to do, few others are born with the natural ability.