I find it strange when avast! guys said AVG had no community. They had forums, surely there was a group of devoted users, even if that means just 3 or 5 people…
Clearly they have as there have been a number of posts from AVG users and not just Avast users testing the the AVG Beta.
Though this forum has had many users who are prepared to do beta testing, we now see Avast users now testing the AVG Beta. I would say this is because it is in our/avast’s best interests to develop the AVG product with the added avast functionality.
When we do see the next Avast Beta early next year it some of that integration would already have been beta tested/trialled, which could be beneficial because of the AVG Beta testing.
My only disappointment is that Avast should be first to receive any benefit from the merger.
Right now to see and test any of these new functions and benefits, I need to install AVG which means abandoning Avast.
Not to mention we can’t really evaluate how avast! will even look like. There is discussion about the GUI, but we still have nothing functional in front of us. Are we going to just receive and be forced to accept the interface whether it’s good or not.